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Denki's game room was roaring with life. Everything was free flowing. Free flowing drinks, finger food, and people. Most of their friends were here, as well as a number of employees from his family's company. There was a large screen in the middle of the room that everyone huddled around.

Tonight was the finals. Football was a big thing in their friend group—taking sides and making names was even bigger.

Croatia versus France.

A lot of them were already placing their bets. Iwabe was standing on a chair, shouting and taking all the money, stuffing them in a giant fish bowl as he noted down the names.

Sarada held on to her red cup and took a sip of her drink. It was silly, placing money on something no one completely had no control over. She took another sip and closed her eyes. Relishing the sounds of chaos.

"Who're you cheering for, Sarada?"

She cracked an eye open and smirked as soon as she saw his jersey. "Not your team, that's for sure."

He grinned slyly and wiggled his eyebrows at her. "Ah, you're one of those people."

Sarada scoffed. "You make rooting for an underdog sound disgraceful."

"It's not disgraceful if I can get something out of it."

She quirked an eyebrow up.

"I'll bet a kiss," he winked and continued, "France is going to win."

"I am not going to play right into one of your games, Boruto." She crossed her arms across her chest.

The blond laced his fingers behind his head and taunted, "Yeah, I knew you wouldn't do it. You already know you're on the losing side, anyway."

She puffed her cheeks. She really shouldn't but her pride got the best of her. "You're on!"

His eyes lit up. "I get a kiss if France wins. If they lose, I'll do anything you want." He leaned in a smirked. "Sex is on the table, too, by the way."

Sarada snorted. "As if! I'll make you my slave."

He shrugged. "Not my usual cup of tea, but I can get down with that if that's what you're in to." He teased.

"You're unbelievable!"

Boruto laughed and pinched her cheek. "I'll be looking forward to that kiss, Sarada."

Sarada was livid. There was no way she could lose this one. She stomped over to the screen, the crowd sensed her deathly aura and parted to give her the front seat, right next to Boruto.

Let the game begin.

Croatia lost.

Boruto hollered and cheered when his team won along with more than half of the crowd. He then crossed his arms across his chest and grinned slyly at her. "Where's my kiss, Sarada-chan?"

She clenched her fists and gritted her teeth. "No way am I giving you a kiss!"

"Hey that's not fair!" He retorted. "A deal's a deal!"

She harrumphed and looked away. Boruto scowled and sulked away. "Fine. Don't uphold your end of the deal."

As the night progressed, and Boruto drank more alcohol and partied to celebrate their win, Sarada watched and kept her distance. She wanted to leave, there was no point in staying as her team had lost after all, but there was something in the way he looked at her when she had refused him his kiss that made her stay.

Towards the end of the night when nearly all the guests had left, Boruto laid on the couch. He was muttering incohesive things. Obviously, he had had too much.

Typical Boruto.

When he stopped talking and stilled for a few minutes, that's when she cautiously approached him. He seemed to have fallen asleep. To make sure, she poked his cheek and called his name out a few times. He didn't budge.

Sarada looked around. Everyone was either drunk or gone. She sat down on the couch next to him and pushed his bangs off of his face. His breathing was deep and even. A small smile crept up her face, he looked so innocent when he was asleep, much like how he used to when they were kids.

She really should make good with their deal. She owed him a kiss, but he didn't specify where. Sarada smirked and gingerly leaned down closer to his face. He smelled like alcohol, mixed with the scent that was unmistakably Boruto. As she leaned in closer to brush her lips on his cheek, Boruto moved his head towards her, and their lips met.

Sarada instantly pulled back, but Boruto caught the back of her neck before she could move any further, keeping her face inches away from his. Boruto's eyes were hooded but the blue in them was shining.


Her cheeks flushed with heat and her eyes were wide. Her lips were still tingling from the contact and she knew she should pull away but gosh she wanted more. She licked her lips and his blue eyes followed every single move her mouth made.

"One more," he whispered breathlessly.

How the hell could she say no?

She leaned down and pressed her lips against his. Softly, slowly. Feeling every single movement their lips made. Her hands came up to his chest, and his arms circled around her waist, pulling her closer, deepening their kiss. Sarada's hands clutched at his shirt, a moan escaping her throat as he ran a hand up her back. She pulled away, cheeks flushed and completely breathless.

Boruto smirked. "I always knew you were that kind of person."

"What?" Sarada chucked and pressed her forehead against his. "Someone who cheers for the underdog?"

"No." He held her chin lightly and looked into her eyes. "A keeper." 


( @kairi-chan on tumblr )

Disclaimer : Naruto and Boruto : Naruto Next Generations belong to Masashi Kishimoto, Ukyo Kodachi and Mikio Ikemoto.

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