They Can't Hurt You Anymore

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It's scary seeing someone so strong weaken, someone unbreakable break, someone fearless cower in fear of something that is in their head.

Boruto was scared when he noticed his normally fearless teammate sitting against the wall, hands in hair, twisting and pulling, trying to get back to reality, shaking uncontrollably, ragged breaths pale skin and whimpering pleads for something to come to a stop.

He looked over at Mitsuki, who was the medic of the team but he was beyond exhausted from healing the girl earlier so there was no way he'll wake up.

Boruto got up, not able to see his indomitable teammate like that and not do anything, he approached her slowly, careful not to freak her out and he called out her name.

''Sarada.'' He muttered in a low voice as he crouched next to her, but she didn't answer, he figured she didn't sense him next to her, so he put a gentle hand on her shoulder, but to his shock, the second his hand met her skin she startled and moved a couple of feet away from him.

''Don't!'' she screeched between gasps as she glared at him with her red eyes.

It was the first time that he heard her voice since they found her earlier today.

A couple of days ago, they were heading back home when a group of at least jonin leveled shinobi ambushed them, they managed to split them apart and that was the last time he saw her before they found her in a cabin in Suna, bloody and bruised, with a man straddling her, his fist in the air, hovering over her face.

''Bo...'' she muttered in a brittle voice, hands locked above her head with chakra sucking cuffs.

After they got Sarada out of there and handed the criminal to the local authorities, and after hearing what the man was previously convicted of doing, he didn't feel regret for landing the scum in a hospital before prison.

''Hey, it's just me Boruto.'' He said in a gentle voice, but he didn't get any closer to her, wary not to scare her away again.

The girl just got into her earlier position, and it wasn't until now that he noticed that she was covering her eyes.

He felt stupid for asking, but he had to ask, ''what's wrong?''

If she wasn't in her current state she would have snarked at him and told him what a smart question that was, but she didn't, she was far from her normal snarky self.

''I can't breathe.'' She confessed, hands pulling at her shirt around her neck, making the still visible bruises clear to Boruto.

''It's okay just ...'' he didn't know what to do, what to say, she was usually the strong one between the two of them, he looked aside at Mitsuki, but he was still sleeping, too tired to sense them.

''Please stop, stop...'' she said, hands back to her eyes, moving her head sideways, and that was when Boruto realized that she was protecting her eyes.

''You're okay, it's gonna be okay, do you want to get out?'' he said, extending his hand towards her, she looked at it for a couple of seconds before taking it, to Boruto's surprise.

He pulled her up and guided her shaking forme outside, her hand grasping his, when they got outside she leaned against a tree and slid down.

''You're going to be okay , take deep breaths.'' He said, rubbing his thumb on the top of her hand.

They stayed like that for some minutes, and Sarada stopped gasping, finally able to breathe, but her shoulders were still trembling.

An animal moved in the tree next to them, making some noise, which startled the girl and made her hide her eyes again, as a whimper escaped her throat.

''Please make it stop, just make it stop, please, please....'' She whimpered out, Boruto wanted to wrap his arms around her, but he figured that that would only freak her out more.

''It was just a rabbit or something, don't worry, you're fine, you're okay, you're safe.''

A couple of minutes later, she calmed down, gaining control of her body as her shaking stopped.

''Are you better now?'' he asked.

She nodded, not taking her eyes off her surroundings, scanning to the area for the person that terrorized her for the last couple of days.

Boruto noticing this, and also noticing the eye bags under eyes and also her bloody eyes spoke.

''Hey, look at me.'' He said, moving his hand towards her chin, raising it so she could meet his eyes.

'' Calm down, I'm here, and I won't let anybody harm you, alright?''

She looked at him for a couple of seconds before her sharingan faded and body lost its tension.

''Alright.'' She said, voice still shaking despite her apparent calm, a telltale sign that she was being Sarada, hiding her feelings behind a cover of strength and pride.

He wanted to ask her what happened, what he did to her, why was she so freaked out when he woke up but those question could wait, the last thing he wanted was to make her go through what just happened again.

He extended his hand behind her back and put it on her shoulder gently and slowly, he expected her to move away, but she leaned closer to him, resting her head on his shoulder.

And it wasn't until then that Boruto noticed that her hand was fisted in his shirt, while the other was grasped with his own hand.

''I'm here, you're safe, nobody is going to hurt you.'' He whispered in her ear repeatedly, trying his best to ease her hidden panic.

In the end, she lost her battle against a three day sleep deprivation and fell asleep against him.

Boruto smirked a little as he noticed her hands were still tight on his shirt and hand.


(@lazymilkshakecolor on tumblr )

Disclaimer : Naruto and Boruto : Naruto Next Generations belong to Masashi Kishimoto, Ukyo Kodachi and Mikio Ikemoto.

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