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I'm giving everyone who has always wanted a friendship between Draco and Harry a great gift.


The last month of Astria's time at the orphanage was the loneliest. She had no friends and the only person who talked to her was Madame Beaufort.

The woman no longer yelled as much as before, but she started ignoring her. This left the girl alone and isolated, with only her books and the cat as company. She had decided to call him Lago, like the villain in Shakespeare.

Her school books were very interesting. She would lie on her bed and read late into the night, devouring every word and practicing spells silently as she repeated wand movements. She knew she couldn't perform magic outside Hogwarts until she turned 17, when she would legally be an adult, and only accidental magic was allowed among children due to their lack of control.

From what she read, everything was regulated by the Ministry of Magic. She found it very unfair, as the wizard himself wasn't traced, only the location where magic was used. This meant that in wizarding families, there would be no punishment.

Astria immersed herself in all the books, eagerly devouring their contents. She revisited 'Hogwarts: A History' with an almost desperate intensity, as if her life depended on those words. So much so that the words and phrases became rooted in her mind, becoming a part of her.

However, what caught her attention the most were: Modern Magic and Its Rise, The Rise and Fall of Dark Arts, and Great Magical Events of the 20th Century.

Harry's name was in both books, but hers only in The Rise and Fall of Dark Arts. It told how her parents died fighting, and she was the last descendant of the Shafiq name.

It was the night her parents died that Harry got that scar, and Astria wondered why she didn't have any marks herself.

Her whole world, everything she thought was wrong, turned out to be right. She didn't belong among those people, she was a witch. She should be among her own kind!

Her dreams became more vivid, with images of Hogwarts she had seen in the illustrated books. Dreams of what her new life would be like, and dreams of a certain two-toned haired lady smiling at her.

She couldn't explain why her mind seemed so connected to Lady Malfoy. But she felt so safe in her presence that the idea of seeing her again became a source of comfort.

She learned every word from the potions book, memorizing it by heart. She didn't know why, but she wanted to impress Lady Malfoy.

Every night, before going to bed, Astria crossed out one more day on the piece of paper she had pinned to the wall, counting down the days until September 1st.

Madame Beaufort would take her to the station, and there... Ah... She would finally go to Hogwarts and temporarily escape this orphanage hell.

Astria woke up at four in the morning the next day, too anxious and nervous to go back to sleep. In fact, she hadn't even slept due to her excitement.

She got up and put on the orphanage uniform because she didn't want to dirty her wizarding robes before getting to Hogwarts; she would change on the train.

She checked the Hogwarts list again to make sure she had everything she needed. She had done this three times before, but there's nothing wrong with being sure. She picked up Lago and walked around the room, waiting for Madame Beaufort. The old woman was purposely taking her time to prolong her torment.

Three hours later, Astria's large and heavy trunk was being dragged behind her at the station. They arrived at King's Cross station at 9:30, and the train was set to depart at 11:00.

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