𝐏𝐫𝐨𝐦𝐢𝐬𝐞 𝐦𝐞

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I live for the dramaaaa


One of the worst consequences of the second task was that everyone became very interested in knowing the details of what had happened at the bottom of the lake, which meant that everyone stopped teasing her and began to approach her incessantly in the corridors.

Narcissa, in turn, was not at all pleased with this situation as it was disrupting her classes. She threatened to give detention to anyone who dared to approach Astria during her classes. She even suggested that detention would consist of being a guinea pig for her poisons. Well, the respect the class had for Narcissa was matched by the fear they had of her, so they quickly stopped their approaches.

Fleur became closer, which meant that now she ate at the Slytherin table with Gabrielle beside Astria.

Daphne wasn't very happy about it and, if possible, she looked even more sullen. At the teachers' table, Astria swore she could hear a glass shattering in Narcissa's hand.

She was still angry that Astria hadn't told her about Fleur. That must be the cause of the older witch's behavior. Narcissa certainly wasn't jealous. Right?

"Astria," Called Draco, annoyed, pulling her out of her thoughts. "What is it?" She asked, confused, as he showed her the newspaper.

It was the Daily Prophet, and in the headline, her jaw almost dropped:


An exceptional girl, perhaps. But a girl who suffers all the common pains of adolescence ─ writes Rita Skeeter. Deprived of love since the tragic death of her parents, Astria Shafic, a young teenager, thought she had found solace with her boyfriend at Hogwarts, her life partner, the person who would understand all her pain; the boy who lived, Harry Potter.

Little did she know she would soon be suffering another emotional setback in a life plagued by personal losses. Miss Granger, a Muggle-born girl, unattractive but ambitious, has been trying to win the heart of the famous Harry Potter as well as another Triwizard champion, Viktor Krum.

An ambitious young woman who apparently has a crush on famous wizards is now coveting the boyfriend of the girl who survived.

According to Hogwarts students, it was said: "Granger has always been jealous of Astria," commented a fourth-year Hufflepuff who preferred not to be identified, "Because Shafic is the best student at Hogwarts. Now she wants to steal Harry from Astria too. I don't know how, but she's quite capable of brewing a Love Potion; she has enough intelligence for that. I think that's what she did to win over both Harry and Krum."

Love Potions are naturally forbidden at Hogwarts, and undoubtedly Albus Dumbledore will want to investigate these claims. Meanwhile, sympathizers of Astria Shafic vow that next time she gives her heart to someone who truly deserves it. Which seems to be the case with the young Veela Fleur Delacour, also a champion from Beauxbatons Academy.

Will we have another scandalous romance among the champions? Don't worry, dear readers, because I ─ Rita Seeker; will find out."

Astria lowered the newspaper with a shocked look before bursting into laughter. "Hey, Granger," she called, trying to control herself.

Hermione turned around, confused, and then Astria waved the newspaper. "What's this about you being a 'Jezebel'?"

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