𝐋𝐢𝐭𝐭𝐥𝐞 𝐚𝐧𝐠𝐞𝐥

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The last month at Grimmauld Place, number twelve, was marked by an unrelenting heatwave, turning the atmosphere into a veritable furnace. The stifling air, heavy as lead, seemed intent on smothering her with every breath.

Her mood didn't improve when she spotted Molly Weasley lighting the blasted fire in the living room.

"What on earth are you doing?" Narcissa exclaimed, extinguishing the blasted fire with a wave of her wand. "Do you want to turn us into puddles?" She said, trying to cool herself off with impatient gestures.

"Oh, come on, you're being overly dramatic," Molly pursed her lips, attempting to kindle the fireplace again.

Narcissa didn't hesitate, pointing her wand directly at the redhead. "Don't take another step, Wesley."

"Leave the ice queen alone, Molly," Sirius joked, leaning against the door. "She might actually melt."

Narcissa wrinkled her nose in disgust before heading upstairs, making sure to bump into Sirius in the process. "Mangy mutt," she growled as she passed.

"Oversized cat," he taunted, shouting as she ascended the stairs.

On her way, Walburga started ranting about Mudbloods, monsters, and half-breeds in her house, and she needed all her self-control not to shatter the portrait into pieces.

She opened the door more aggressively than expected, and her jaw dropped when she saw her lovely doll sitting on the bed waiting for her.

"Ciça, could you plait my hair?" Astria asked, her doe-like eyes and an irresistible pout on her lips.

Narcissa felt herself melting more than she'd like to admit. "Of course, my darling," she replied tenderly, settling in behind her and starting to braid her long black locks.

Astria promptly handed her a hairbrush and a ribbon while Narcissa skillfully aligned and interwove the strands.

When Astria broke the silence, her sweet voice shattered Narcissa's guard once again: "Ciça?"

"Yes, my love?"

"Your perfume. I adore it," she casually remarked, her voice tinged with sweetness.

Narcissa cursed silently. Her breath faltered briefly. This darn girl will be her downfall.

"Thank you, dear," she managed to respond with great difficulty before finishing the ribbon in the black hair. "There, it's done."

Astria turned with a smile that could compete with the sun in terms of brightness. "Thank you, Cissy," she said, leaning forward, giving a perfect view of her breasts, hovering very close to her face before planting a kiss on the corner of Narcissa's lips.

She couldn't believe this was an accident. No, this little imp knows exactly what she's doing.

Narcissa briefly lowered her eyes to assess what Astria was wearing. There it was, a nightgown so short it should be considered a crime, a huge neckline showing her breasts, and a hem so short that you could see part of her butt.

A fierce sensation surged in her chest at the thought of her girl wandering around the house full of people dressed in this excuse for clothing. Her chest heaving and her hands struggling not to tear the fabric and claw at the soft skin.

But then she realized it was deliberate. What is this little angel with horns and a tail plotting?

She had to bite her lower lip to contain herself. "Anything for you, dear," Narcissa replied with a smile.

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