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Astria had no inkling of Hermione's intentions, nor did she know if there was a plan at all. She kept herself a half-step behind Hermione and Harry as they proceeded down the corridor of Umbridge's office, mindful that it would seem highly suspicious if she gave the impression of not knowing their destination. She didn't dare speak to the girl; Umbridge was so close behind her that you could hear her uneven breathing.

Hermione, leading the way, descended the stairs to the Entrance Hall, the hubbub and clatter of cutlery on plates echoing through the open doors of the Great Hall - it seemed unbelievable to Astria that only about six meters away, people were enjoying dinner, celebrating the end of exams with no apparent worry. Hermione continued past the entrance hall to the stone steps and the warm evening air.

The sun was now setting towards the treetops of the Forbidden Forest, and as Hermione purposefully crossed the lawn, Umbridge almost ran to keep up, her dark, elongated shadows rippling across the grass in her wake.

"Is she hiding in Hagrid's hut?" Umbridge asked anxiously.

"Of course not," Hermione replied sarcastically, "Hagrid might accidentally shoot her."

"Indeed," agreed Umbridge, her excitement seemingly growing. "He might have done in a half-breed imbecile." She chuckled.

Astria felt a strong urge to turn around and grab her by the neck to throw her into the dark lake, but she resisted.

"Where is she, then?" Umbridge asked, her voice tinged with uncertainty, as Hermione continued resolutely toward the forest.

"In there, of course," the girl replied, pointing towards the dark trees. "Had to be somewhere the students wouldn't stumble upon her, didn't it?"

"Of course," Umbridge agreed, though she now appeared somewhat apprehensive. "Of course... very well then... you three stay in front of me."

"Can we have your wand then if we're going in front?" Harry asked boldly.

"No, I think not, Mr. Potter," she replied sweetly, poking the boy's back with her wand. "I'm afraid the Ministry values my life more than yours."

"Yes, the Ministry has always seemed to make poor decisions," Astria muttered.

As they reached the cool shade of the first trees, Astria tried to get Hermione's attention; walking into the forest without wands seemed like the most reckless thing they had done that night. However, the girl merely cast a disdainful look at Umbridge and plunged into the trees, walking so quickly that the professor, with her shorter legs, struggled to keep up.

"Is it much farther in?" Umbridge asked Hermione, as her robes snagged and tore on a thornbush.

"Oh, it is, it's very well hidden," the girl replied.

Astria's apprehensions grew. She had no idea where this ridiculous girl was leading them.

"Oh... are you sure we're on the right path?" Umbridge asked sharply.

"Oh, I am," the girl replied firmly, trampling through the underbrush and making what Astria deemed unnecessary noise.

Behind them, Umbridge stumbled over a fallen sapling. None of the three stopped to help her up; Hermione merely continued on, calling loudly over her shoulder, "It's just a bit further!"

"Hermione, keep your voice down," Harry whispered, quickening his pace to catch up with her. "We're on Aragog's trail."

"The giant spider?" Astria hissed furiously, ready to strangle Hermione.

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