𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐭𝐞𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐦𝐞𝐧𝐭

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Folks, I reckon I got carried away kickin' off sketchin' some bits for the new history (keeps the creative juices flowin', but blimey, barely touchin' me grub. Damn hyperfocus).

Fear not, the agony and Anguish in this history is quite trifling. (Says the individual who shed tears whilst Writing this shit)


Astria had spent the entire morning unpacking her suitcase for the first time since she packed it six years ago. In her early school years, she had simply cleaned up whatever was on top. But she never emptied it.

Kneeling beside the suitcase, she felt the bottom, her fingers exploring everything they could find. She pulled out an old brooch that faintly blinked, sometimes supporting ASTRIA SHAFIC and sometimes POTTER STINKS, which elicited a good laugh.

She discovered a cracked and worn mischiefscope and a hair ribbon Daphne had lent her but Astria never returned, and finally, she took out the enchanted transparent jar with over a thousand magical origamis. Tears welled in her eyes as she opened the jar to retrieve the note on top.

It still carried Narcissa's scent. Its contents read:

My angel, you look so beautiful today. I believe on sunny days you become even more stunning. The light streaks in your eyes are visible, making them shine.

I don't know if I can concentrate on teaching with your eyes following me as always in every direction. But believe me, I'll be trying fervently.

Wishing you a spectacular day.

With much love.

N. B.

Closing the note again and seeing it transform back into origami, Astria's heart tightened once more. She carefully placed the jar on the desk and forced down the sudden flood of memories, pangs of remorse, and longing.

It took her a while to organize everything into piles ─ her materials, quills, cauldrons. Everything could be donated or sold. She didn't know, and she didn't care. She wouldn't need them anymore. She wouldn't be returning to Hogwarts.

Tomorrow at this same time, she and Harry would already be planning where to start searching for the horcruxes.

A knock on the door startled her, causing her to grip her wand until she noticed Narcissa's hair and could finally relax.

Pretty unlike the other witch, who became more tense than anything, Narcissa froze at the door, staring at the sports equipment and materials on the bed, then followed the gaze to Astria.

"What does this mean?" Narcissa asked in an authoritative tone.

Unsure of how to start the conversation, Astria felt a strong urge to escape, to run away and never have to face the pain she saw in Narcissa's eyes.

She already knows. Astria is sure she has understood.

"No," the blonde whispered, her eyes quickly filling with tears. "You can't."

"Ciça, listen," Astria began in a very low voice, hands nervously trembling for courage. "I can't put you and Draco in danger anymore. We have to stop seeing each other. We can't be together."

In an almost scornful scoff, Narcissa snapped, with a strangely skewed smile, "It's for some noble and stupid reason, isn't it?"
Astria almost felt insulted. Here she was being as honest as she could, and Narcissa just...

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