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The grounds of Hogwarts never seemed more inviting than when Astria was forced to stay in the castle. In the days that followed, she spent almost all her free time in the library-much to her disappointment, as Harry soon began to do the same with Ron and Hermione.

They grew tired of having to get up every time they had a question, so they sat together, studying and consulting books on hexes or sneaking into empty classrooms to practice. Harry focused on the Stunning Spell, which he had never used before. Astria joined him in practice, and they both ended up with plenty of bruises on their skin.

She also considered it wise to learn some hand-to-hand combat. According to Ron, it could be useful. "In case you lose your wand, just throw a punch," he said, demonstrating a right hook with a smirk.

More than once, they ended their clandestine training sessions limping and leaning on each other for support. "You know," Hermione commented while Harry and Astria dueled once again in the late afternoon in the charms classroom, "I never noticed how much you two look alike."

"Only the eyes are different. Astria's are so dark and shiny they don't even seem human, and yours, Harry, are eerily green."

"Er... thanks?" Harry responded, confused. Astria, distracted, accidentally hit him in the chest, sending him flying five meters across the room.

"Ouch, star!" he complained, rubbing his behind.

"Well, you always end up on top of the cushions, don't you?" Astria retorted impatiently, watching Hermione stack the used cushions for the Expelling Charm in a nearby cupboard.

"Try falling backward!" Harry suggested, still massaging his rear where he had the most impact. Draco burst into laughter and toppled backward from his chair. Then it was Harry's turn to laugh at him.

When the bell rang, they headed to their next class. Hermione went straight to her Arithmancy class, where Astria would also be. But first, she headed to Divination class. Afterward, she would use the Time-Turner twice to join Hermione's class.

They made their way amid laughter to the North Tower for Divination class. Golden beams of sun radiated through the tall windows, cutting across the corridor. The sky outside was so intensely blue it looked glazed.

"It's going to be a sauna in Professor Trelawney's room; she never puts out that fire," Draco commented as they began to climb the spiral staircase leading to the silver ladder and trapdoor. And he was right. The dimly lit room was uncomfortably warm. The fragrant smoke from the fire was denser than ever.

As Astria approached one of the windows with drawn curtains, she suddenly felt lightheaded. She quickly made her way over to where Daphne was sitting and gave her a peck on the cheek.

The blonde blushed like a tomato but was smiling. They were finally on good terms again, which was a relief. Astria absolutely adored Daphne.

While Professor Sibila was looking the other way, trying to untangle a shawl from a lamp, she took advantage of the distraction and opened the window a couple of inches before sitting back down in her chintz-covered chair, allowing a gentle breeze to blow across her face. She felt very comfortable now.

Lago jumped out of her bag and landed on her lap, looking at the crystal ball in front of her. Astria did the same, curious about what he was so focused on, but then she saw another image reflected in his eyes.

A hooded man appeared to be arguing with a woman; she couldn't see their faces, but she noticed that the woman was pregnant. There was that snake again, the same one from the last dream, coiling around the woman's belly.

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