𝐇𝐚𝐥𝐟 𝐁𝐥𝐨𝐨𝐝 𝐏𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐜𝐞

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I've cast my vote, folks. I went off the radar because I've got a dreadful cold (but at least I designed some fresh covers for the story).

Young Cissy

Let's see if you recognize someone hidden in the drawing.

Let's see if you recognize someone hidden in the drawing

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A sensation of stepping onto Hogwarts grounds felt like an endless journey. Each student underwent a thorough inspection conducted by aurors. It was as if the Ministry feared that someone might be concealing a Death Eater beneath their cloak.

Finally, after what seemed like an eternity of waiting, Astria reached the majestic entrance of the castle. The massive oak doors swung open, revealing the vast stone hall, illuminated by candlelight that made the plates on the tables gleam like gems.

Astria hurried across the hall, her determined steps leading her straight to the Slytherin table. There, she met with her friends, a brunette and a blonde, engaged in lively conversation.

As she approached, Daphne embraced her with enthusiasm. "I've missed you so much! You barely sent any letters!" She exclaimed, pointing her finger directly at Astria's chest, with a serious yet affectionate expression.

"It wasn't intentional, I swear," Astria replied as she sat between Daphne and Pansy, greeting the latter with a kiss on the cheek.

As they awaited the sorting of the new students, hunger gnawed at them, thanks to the long journey. Expectations were rising, and Dumbledore, as usual, prolonged his welcoming speech until everyone begged him to be quiet so they could eat.

Finally, the old man rose to the teachers' table. The hall, once echoing with chatter and laughter, fell into immediate silence.

"Good evening, everyone," he said with a warm smile and open arms, as if he wanted to embrace the entire hall.

"What happened to his hand?" Daphne whispered, visibly disturbed. She wasn't alone in her concern; many had noticed that Dumbledore's right hand appeared dark and lifeless.

Whispers spread through the hall, but Dumbledore, reading everyone's thoughts, simply smiled and concealed the injury, pulling his white and gold sleeve over it.

"There's no cause for concern," he said, adopting a soft and reassuring tone.

"Now... welcome to the new students, a warm welcome back to the returning students! Another year of magical education awaits us all... This year, we are pleased to welcome a new member of the teaching staff, Professor Slughorn."

The wizard stood up, his bald head gleaming in the candlelight, his ample belly casting a shadow over the table. "He's an old colleague of mine who has agreed to share the position of Potions Master with our dear Professor Black."

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