𝐂𝐢𝐬𝐬𝐲 𝐢𝐬 𝐒𝐦𝐢𝐥𝐢𝐧𝐠

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The first-year Slytherin students had the 'privilege' of sharing some classes with those of Gryffindor: Potions, Transfiguration, and, of course, the lovely Defense Against the Dark Arts. However, a note posted on the common room notice board of Slytherin caused everyone to let out groans worthy of a tragedy.

Flying lessons were about to commence, and the young ones from both houses would be graced with the honor of learning together in this class as well.

"Ah, of course," Astria murmured with a tone of exasperation, "Exactly what I've always wished for. To play the fool on a broomstick while our dear know-it-all a.k.a. Granger watches me tumble onto the lawn."

"Don't be so dramatic..." Draco said in a drawling voice. "After all, you're a Slytherin witch and pureblood! It's only advantageous! I'll personally teach you every detail about Quidditch."

Indeed, Draco never missed a chance to endlessly talk about Quidditch. He complained at the top of his lungs about how first-year students never had a chance on the Quidditch team and bored everyone with his never-ending stories, which almost always ended with him narrowly escaping Muggle helicopters.

He embarked on an endless monologue, covering every aspect of the game. He began with famous teams, delved into the rules, detailed the roles of each player, and even delved into the game balls. Scores, types of brooms and their maintenance - The monologue continued for the next 45 minutes and 36 seconds, which felt like an eternity in Astria's life.

When he finally concluded, Astria didn't know whether to hug him or throw a broomstick at his head.


During breakfast, Draco decided to disrupt the peace of others, and his target this time was Neville Longbottom. He took the Remembrall that Neville had received from his grandmother and was only prevented from starting a heated fight with the Gryffindors because Professor McGonagall intervened in time. Draco, as always, escaped the situation with a mischievous smile, but he didn't escape the consequences when the news reached the ears of Lady Malfoy, which earned him a well-deserved reprimand.

At three o'clock that afternoon, Astria, Blaze, and the other Slytherin classmates rushed down the stairs towards the outside of the castle, where they would have their first flying lesson. The day was sunny, with a pleasant breeze, and the grass rippled under their feet as they headed to a flat lawn located opposite the Forbidden Forest, whose trees swayed ominously in the distance. About twenty broomsticks were arranged in rows on the ground.

Draco was grimacing at the broomsticks, declaring them utterly unacceptable. He had apparently requested Lady Malfoy to gift him a new broomstick for when he joined the Slytherin team next year.

The Gryffindors arrived - as always, thirty minutes late. Draco was in the midst of a monologue about broomsticks when Professor Madame Hooch appeared. She had short, gray hair, and her yellow eyes resembled those of a hawk.

"Come on, what are you waiting for?" she asked sharply. "Each of you, by a broomstick. Come on, quickly!"

Astria looked at the broomstick in front of her. It was old and had bristles sticking out at odd angles. Draco was right, they were simply dreadful.

"Extend your right hand over the broomstick," Madame Hooch commanded. "Say: Up!"

"UP!" everyone shouted in unison.

Astria's broomstick promptly leaped into her hand, although only a few did the same. Hermione Granger's broomstick, much to Astria's satisfaction, merely turned over on the ground, while Pansy's didn't even budge. Perhaps broomsticks, like horses, were sensitive to fear...

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