𝐁𝐥𝐚𝐜𝐤 𝐒𝐢𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐬

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The gentle moonlight bathed the room in darkness, serving as the sole source of illumination. Astria, already fast asleep, lay in peaceful repose. Her bare breasts rose and fell with the rhythm of her breath.

On her skin, small red marks and scratches were visible. Something that Narcissa observed with a certain sense of pride, for she was the architect of these marks. She traced her fingers ever so gently along the contours of Astria's face, simply savoring the moment.

My angel. Flung out of Space

She thought fondly, planting a tender kiss on her beloved's forehead before rising from the bed as quietly as possible.

The night was chillier than anticipated, causing her naked skin to prickle. She moved about the room with the same feline grace of her Animagus form, dressing and choosing to leave her hair flowing freely.

With her cloak in hand and after one last check to ensure Astria still slept peacefully, she made her way to the room's fireplace.

With the Floo Powder in her hands, she whispered as quietly as possible, "Diagon Alley." The flames brushed against her skin like gentle tickles, the fire a comforting old acquaintance.

It didn't take long for her to clearly see the main street of Diagon Alley. Upon her exit, Narcissa immediately noticed the sparse activity in the streets. It was late at night, and with Death Eaters on the loose, few had the courage to venture freely around.

In moments like these, Narcissa lamented the drawback of her Animagus form. The image of a leopard walking through the streets was certainly not the most discreet.

She hurried with swift steps toward the nearest inn. During the brief interaction with the surly innkeeper, who barely glanced at her, Narcissa chose to speak as little as possible.

Upon reaching the assigned room, she did her best to avoid being seen, and as soon as she entered, she opened the window and waited.

It didn't take long for the first bird to appear; a majestic peregrine falcon with dazzling blue feathers landed on the window and gazed at her for a few moments before entering.

"She's running late, isn't she?" Andromeda said as she returned to her human form and walked directly to the armchair in the corner of the room.

"And when is she not?" Narcissa retorted with a hint of disdain. "I always arrive early, you're always punctual, and Bella..."

"Always late," added a third voice, coming from the bathroom just behind Andromeda. "But not this time, dear sisters," Bellatrix said with an ironic smile.

The three of them stared at each other for a long moment. So many years apart, so many years of resentment.

Andromeda was the first to rise, walking purposefully toward her older sister. "I missed you, Andy," Bellatrix said. "I wish..."

But her words were interrupted by a stinging slap on her right cheek. She raised her face with disdain and let out a sharp cry as she saw Narcissa raising her wand in her direction.

"Oh, come on, Cissy. Your own sister? You wouldn't hurt me..."

There was another sharp slap, and Narcissa also hit her. "Now this is getting ridiculous," Bellatrix complained, irritated, stepping back with a scowl and going straight to the armchair where Andromeda had been sitting.

"Give me a reason not to call the Aurors on you, Bella," said Narcissa, growing increasingly irritated.

"Again? Aren't you happy that you sent me to Azkaban the first time?" Bellatrix growled, now also annoyed.

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