𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐆𝐫𝐢𝐦

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Indeed, Astria couldn't sleep. Her dreams were haunted by shadowy, tall, hooded figures with hands that resembled decomposing corpses. She tossed and turned in agony. It had been a long time since she had nightmares, and for the first time in a while, she hated not being tormented by Narcissa in her dreams.

Still distressed, Astria got up at the sight of the first rays of sun. There was no use trying to go back to sleep. She only waited for the moment when Madam Pomfrey would hand her the release letter and then fled from her "prison" as quickly as possible. She planted a brisk kiss on the matron's cheek as she ran towards the dungeons. It would be a long day.


Astria, Draco, and Pansy entered the Great Hall together for breakfast, their arms intertwined. The first thing they noticed was Ernie McMillan, who seemed to be entertaining a large group of Hufflepuff students with an extremely funny story.

As the three walked by, Ernie performed a ridiculous imitation of fainting, which prompted loud laughter. "What are you laughing at, badger?" Pansy disentangled herself from the others and advanced toward the boy.

"Oh, Shafic now has a girlfriend!" he taunted, earning idiotic giggles from the other Hufflepuffs. Pansy tried to keep her composure but was now red as a tomato.

"Quite amusing, McMillan," Astria commented with a drawling voice, in a low and controlled tone. "I remember quite well when you were afraid of me last year. To be more precise ─ wetting your pants in fear." She paused to smile cruelly. "Does your mother know that the wet spot on your bed wasn't water? In fact, you wet the bed after a nightmare?"

Ernie blushed ruby red with embarrassment, and the other Hufflepuffs burst into laughter, but this time, they were laughing at him.

"Now, listen carefully ─ The next time I hear any of you making jokes about what happened to me or Harry yesterday... I'll take you to the middle of the Forbidden Forest, where no one will hear you scream. Then, I'll tie you to a tree and flay you. I'll cut both your legs at the joint so you can't escape. Meanwhile, I'll wait for all the man-eating creatures that live there to show up so I can offer you as a prize. Occasionally, I'll look up to monitor the progress and take a photo to keep the sweet memory, which I'll send to your family as a gift." She smiled sweetly, showing all her teeth.

One by one, the Hufflepuffs began to nod slowly, very slowly. They all swallowed hard, sitting tensely in their seats. Ernie looked like he might wet himself right there.

"Good." Astria clapped her hands once, with a menacing smile. "Oh, Ernie, be careful when walking alone in the corridors. You never know what might happen."

Then, she pulled Pansy by one arm and Draco by the other, heading towards the Slytherin table.

"You give me chills," Pansy whispered quietly.

"Merlin, Astria," Draco sighed.

Astria merely nodded as if she were dispersing the air to end the conversation. They ate in relative peace, and when the owls began to descend from the sky, Astria eagerly awaited Narcissa's morning greeting. She wondered what it would turn into this time.

But when Medeia landed, there were only two packets of sweets and the Daily Prophet. No morning greeting note.

In a panic, Astria raised her eyes to the teachers' table and saw Narcissa. She didn't look unwell; in fact, she was smiling while conversing quietly with Professor Lupin.

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