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"Draco!" Astria murmured incredulously, sneaking over to the window and opening it so they could talk properly. "Draco, how did you... What is...?" Astria's jaw dropped as the full impact of what she was seeing hit her.

Draco was hovering on his broomstick, looking extremely concerned, and behind him, Tonks could be seen in the black car waving to her. "Wotcher, Astria? Are you okay?" Tonks asked.

"What's happening?" Draco questioned, "Why haven't you been responding to my letters? Mum's been going mad with worry, almost came here herself to blast the walls, and then Uncle Ted heard at the Ministry that you got an official warning for using magic in front of a Muggle..."

"It was accidental magic, I couldn't control it," Astria interjected.

Draco paused, studying her for a moment, then his eyes widened in horror. "You look terrible! By Salazar's serpents, what did that awful Muggle do to you?"

"Thanks so much, dear friend. Very kind of you, really," Astria muttered sarcastically.

"I'm sorry. But I'm not leaving you there! You're skin and bones, come on, let's go home. We've all been missing you."

Astria wanted to cry. ─ Home?

"Don't worry," Tonks said as she hopped over the rusty orphanage fence, landing surprising gracefully on the green lawn."Toss me your bag."

Without hesitation, Astria rushed to the ready bag. Draco helped her place it on the windowsill and pushed it towards Tonks on the ground.

It landed with a loud thud, but neither of them cared and quickly sent down the rest of Astria's belongings.

Her cat, Lago, was in her arms, excited to see Draco and trying to communicate in its own strange way with repetitive meows.

Astria hung onto her friend's broomstick as they descended to the other side of the fence. As soon as she landed, she embraced both of them.

"Good to see you, little star," Tonks joked, ruffling Astria's hair and opening the car door for her to get in.

High up at the window, halfway hanging out, Madame Beaufort was yelling at the top of her lungs. But it didn't matter anymore. Tonks stepped hard on the accelerator, and the car shot down the street.

"AU REVOIR! You old hag! Don't miss me too much!" Astria shouted out of the window, dripping with sarcasm.

Draco burst into laughter, and Astria settled into her seat with a grin from ear to ear. She could hardly believe it; she was free.

She lowered the window, and the night air whipped through her hair. Overwhelmed with relief, her hands went to her face as tears and laughter mixed.

"What happened to you?" Tonks asked, concerned, glancing at her through the rearview mirror. "Merlin! What are those marks on your arm?"

Astria explained everything. About Dobby, the punishments, going without meals, the accidental magic.

When she finished, Draco had wide eyes, and Tonks was furious. The hand on the steering wheel left marks, and her hair had turned vibrant red.

"But how? Why would Dobby do this?" Draco asked, confusion furrowing his brow in a way that would shock Lady Malfoy.

"Isn't it obvious, Dray?" Tonks questioned. "Your father! He must have sent Dobby! I swear, I have half a mind to punch that ─"

"Hey," Draco interrupted her. "We're talking about my father."

"Still. I'm pretty sure he's the one who sent Dobby."

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