𝐘𝐨𝐮'𝐫𝐞 𝐧𝐨𝐭 𝐚𝐥𝐨𝐧𝐞

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Sorry folks. Ended up uploading this chapter before finishing everything and had to delete it, 'cause you lot are ridiculously quick.


When Astria awoke again, she was intensely relieved to find herself pain-free. A wonderful scent that had become her favorite was present, and she smiled with her eyes still closed.

"Good morning, Sleeping Beauty," came an angelic voice by her side.

Astria woke abruptly, her eyes wide open, and right there beside her was Lady Malfoy.

"What perfume do you use?" Astria quickly questioned, smiling as she sat up. Lady Malfoy, with a look that was part reproach, part incredulity, immediately stood up to adjust the pillows so that Astria could recline properly.

"Is that the first thing you ask?" she questioned with a smile that turned into a laugh as a blush rose on Astria's cheeks.

"What happened?"

"Snape found me in the corridor, you unconscious in his arms, and I had such a dramatic drop in blood pressure that I almost visited the land of the dead." Lady Malfoy chuckled playfully, but there was something that told Astria it wasn't just a joke. The woman did seem paler than usual.

"Then I threatened to hex Dumbledore inside out if he didn't take proper measures to investigate how on earth that creature got into the school. He's probably still feeling the effects of my purging spell."

Did she really hex Dumbledore?

"Hush, it wasn't in front of anyone, don't worry. I intend to spare myself visits to Azkaban," Lady Malfoy smiled again, and Astria chuckled softly.

"What a birthday..." She sighed sadly, toying with the sheets.

"Oh, dear... Happy birthday. I'm sorry you have to go through this," Lady Malfoy sighed, her hand gently caressing Astria's cheek.

But then Professor Snape entered with Hermione, followed by Dumbledore and Minerva. They all looked quite exasperated, and Dumbledore was actually walking in a rather peculiar manner, with a strained smile towards Lady Malfoy.

"I'm glad to see you awake, Miss Shafiq," Snape gave her a half-smile as he approached the bed, "But we can continue with pleasantries after we explain what happened last night!"

"Haven't Granger told you?" Astria questioned, exasperated.

"I did! But Professor McGonagall isn't believing me," Hermione crossed her arms defensively.

"I just don't understand how could she-" Minerva paused, "how a Slytherin would act so altruistically in coming to the rescue of a Gryffindor."

Astria tried to hide how much that hurt, even though it was, in fact, a lie. Why did Hermione want to cast her as her savior?

Professor McGonagall didn't continue her train of thought but pondered. 'How could she do something good?'

Lady Malfoy seemed to have caught the same thing because she shot imaginary daggers with her eyes towards the professor.

"All right," Astria waved, trying to hide the hurt from her voice along with the quiver of tears that was about to form, "Where would you like me to start?"

"How about explaining why you weren't at the feast?" McGonagall snapped, her feline eyes narrowing at Astria.

She had to work really hard not to shout, but maintaining the veneer of politeness and respect was something she just couldn't bother with right now.

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