𝐀𝐧 𝐢𝐧𝐧𝐨𝐜𝐞𝐧𝐭 𝐦𝐚𝐧

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Listen to me! I'm watching you


The journey back home on the Hogwarts Express the next day was memorable, but for distinct reasons. In the compartments, numerous third-year Ravenclaws lamented their empty luggage, having lost nearly everything in the fire that consumed the Ravenclaw tower the previous night.

However, Luna stood out from the general sadness with a wide smile. Somehow, she had mysteriously recovered all her belongings that morning.

Astria, on the other hand, spent most of the journey alternating between napping and moments of wakefulness. She rested with her head on Narcissa's lap, while Narcissa gently stroked her hair in a soothing back-and-forth motion. Lago, purring contentedly on the seat in front of her, and the sun's rays outside the window reflected on his fur, creating a serene ambiance.

"Did you read the note I gave you?" Astria whispered to Narcissa.

She felt the witch stiffen before answering simply, "Yes."

However, throughout the journey, nothing more was said. Narcissa's fingers continued their constant caress in Astria's hair without interruptions.

As the train slowed down near King's Cross station, she thought she had never had so little desire to disembark. She even briefly considered what would happen if she simply refused to get off and insisted on lying there until September 1st, when the train would take her back to Hogwarts.

However, when the train released its final puff of steam and came to a complete stop, she got up from Narcissa's lap, encouraged Lago to climb onto her shoulders, and prepared to drag her luggage off the train, as she did every year.

She opened the doors for the first-years, bid them farewell briefly, and headed for the platform exit. It didn't take long for the ticket inspector to make a gesture, indicating it was safe to cross the magical barrier between platforms nine and ten.

Once she crossed, she found a group of people waiting, including Harry, who was beaming from ear to ear beside Sirius.

"I'm a free man! I was declared innocent!" exclaimed Sirius, surprising Astria with a tight hug that almost left her breathless.

"Congratulations," Astria said, laughing and gasping for air as her ribs were compressed.

"Let her go, mutt," came Narcissa's voice from behind her. Despite the cold tone, she was smiling broadly. "You have no idea how happy I am, cousin."

"Liar, you're terribly mourning," Sirius teased with a laugh as they walked towards the House of Black, where they would have a celebratory dinner.

Harry led the group, with Draco by his side, looking in awe at the boy. And it was no wonder; Harry was so happy that he could hardly stop smiling. If he continued, his cheeks would ache.

Among the group, Mad-Eye Moody looked as sinister as ever with his bowler hat pulled over his magical eye, his gnarled hands gripping a long staff, and his body wrapped in a voluminous traveling cloak. Tonks followed closely behind him, her bright bubblegum-pink hair gleaming in the sunlight, wearing patched jeans and a vibrant purple T-shirt that read "The Quirkies," her favorite band.

When they reached Number 12 Grimmauld Place, they wasted no time and entered the house. As usual, Lago raced up the stairs as if he was in his own home.

"I think I need a bath," Astria whispered to Narcissa, low enough for only her to hear.

The witch nodded with a slight head gesture, and Astria smiled at the others before heading up the stairs with her trunk. As she passed by the portraits on the wall, they grumbled in protest at her presence.

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