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Me? I absolutely detest all that drama...
*Evil laugh*


The following day proved to be more challenging than Astria had anticipated. She was the target of so many hostile glances that irritation grew within her, and it seemed a genuine feat to end the year without turning one of her fellow students into a bright pink pig.

Fortunately, her Slytherin friends continued to support her, although others, with Death Eater parents like Greg and Vincent, kept a cautious distance. Even Draco noticed this strangeness and distanced himself a bit from the others. The division between parents with opposing ideologies took its toll.

Blaise was his usual self, and she was very thankful for that. Her friend had always supported her in everything, and it wouldn't be the false news in the Daily Prophet that would ruin that trust. The Slytherins presented a united front; whether they believed Astria could become a worthy dark witch to replace Voldemort, were afraid of her, or feared Daphne's threats, they left her alone.

Breakfast wasn't as peaceful as it was in the Slytherin common room. There, in the presence of students from other houses, Astria was met with hostility.

"Look at you, you've actually become even more famous," Draco teased, taking a sip of pumpkin juice. "I volunteer to hex them in the corridors."

"You'd do that anyway," Astria quipped, rolling her eyes.

However, their conversation was abruptly interrupted by a sudden change in the atmosphere and the sound of knocking. Hundreds of owls swooped into the hall, dropping a rain of letters and packages. Medea, her owl, gracefully landed on the table with her paw extended, fixing her gaze on Astria. She was already expecting the morning affection.

"You're so spoiled," Astria teased, stroking the owl's feathers, which she responded to with a cheerful hoot, delivering a letter to her.

The morning note was brief, and Astria felt Narcissa's eyes on her until the parchment turned into a folded paper dove. When Astria looked up at the teachers' table, she found Narcissa's intense gaze, a smile, a slight quirk of the lips that would go unnoticed by those who didn't know her well. The haughty and icy aura she displayed in public was just for others. Astria couldn't be happier to know the real Narcissa.

Turning her attention away, she made space on the table for the soggy church owl, carrying a soaked Daily Prophet in its beak.

"Why are you still getting this?" Daphne asked in shock as Astria placed a knut in the leather pouch strapped to the owl's leg, which then took off. "It's better to know what the enemy is saying," she replied ominously, unfolding the newspaper and disappearing behind it.

There was nothing mentioning her or Harry's name this time, nor Voldemort or Dumbledore. Just useless articles. "All is well" ─ It's the image the Minister wants to portray; he wants to hide the truth and refuses to take action. After breakfast, Astria hurried to the dungeons.

It was a double Potions class, and she absolutely adored listening to Narcissa speak. Lago did too, and when he realized where they were headed, he began to purr.

"I don't know who has a bigger crush on my mum. You or him," Draco teased as they entered the classroom, causing Astria to stop abruptly in her tracks with her mouth hanging open. He couldn't possibly know, right?

Trying to shake off her bewilderment, Astria slowly made her way to her desk and sat down, her mind almost exploding. Draco had joked about her having a crush on Narcissa, and she couldn't believe he wasn't mad about it. Would he be upset if he knew Astria didn't have a crush, but rather lov─

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