𝐑𝐮𝐧; 𝐊𝐢𝐥𝐥; 𝐅𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭

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On the eve of exam week, whispers spread like sparks of an impending enchantment about to unfold. Hogwarts had never witnessed such audacious chaos as the one created by the Wesley twins. They stormed the halls with fireworks, detonated the lavatories, shattered Umbridge's office door, and scrawled 'Pink Toad' on the main wall. To top it all off, they turned the corridors into a swamp.

Almost every student stood by the walls, forming a large circle, and some of them were covered in foul-smelling moss from slipping on the now marshy floor. Professors and ghosts were also part of the crowd, with Peeves, who floated above, watching Fred and George in the midst of the atrium with unmistakable admiration.

"So," Umbridge huffed like a toad, "do you find it amusing to turn the corridors of this venerable school into a swamp?"

"Yes, we find it rather amusing, Terrible funny." Fred replied with a touch of insolence.

The caretaker Filch, almost jubilant, made his way to Umbridge with a scroll in hand and said hoarsely, "I've got the document, headmistress. I have the document and the whips ready... ah... let me whip them now... I want to whip them."

"Very well, Argo. You two," she continued, looking at Fred and George, "will learn what happens to wrongdoers in my school."

"Your school?" George couldn't help but sound mocking. "Are you sure about that?"

Fred turned to his brother. "George, I think we've outgrown full-time education."

"Yes, I've been feeling that too," Jorge chimed in cheerfully. "It's time to test our talents in the real world, don't you think?"


And before Umbridge could voice any objection, they raised their wands and, in sync, said, "Accio brooms!"

Astria heard a distant boom. Looking to her left, she ducked just in time. Fred and George's brooms flew swiftly to their owners, veered left, and came to a sudden halt in front of the twins, chains clattering loudly on the flagstone floor.

"You won't see us around here anymore," Fred told Umbridge as he mounted his broom with ease.

"Exactly. Don't send us letters" added George, settling onto his own broom.

Fred surveyed the gathered students, the silent onlookers. "If anyone's interested in acquiring a Portable Swamp, as demonstrated upstairs, you can find us on Diagon Alley, number ninety-three: Weasley's Wizard Wheezes," he announced with a clear voice. "Our new establishment."

"We offer special discounts for Hogwarts students willing to use our products to deal with that old bat," George quipped, pointing at Umbridge.

"STOP THEM!" Umbridge yelled, but it was already too late. As the caretaker approached, Fred and George pushed off the ground and soared nearly five meters into the air.

Fred looked at the poltergeist floating on the other side of the atrium, at the same level as the twins, above the crowd.

"Terrorize her for us, Peeves."

And Peeves, who had never obeyed any student's orders before, except for Astria's suggestions, tipped his bell-shaped hat and saluted the boys, while Fred and George circled around to the applause of the students and sped out the open entrance doors into a glorious sunset, setting off fireworks in their wake.

A colossal 'W' illuminated the sky, vibrant and luminous, as everyone applauded, including teachers and ghosts, completely ignoring Umbridge's protests, who had been hit by dung bombs. The twins became heroes throughout the corridors of Hogwarts, and as a result of their departure, there was a widespread desire to emulate them. Astria often heard students saying things like, "Honestly, there are days when I just want to mount my broom and leave this place," or, "One more class like that, and I'll want to pull a Weasley."

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