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For a few days, the school practically couldn't talk about anything else except the attack on Madame Norris. Filch kept it alive in everyone's memory, wandering around the place where she had been attacked, as if he thought the attacker might come back.

Lago was miserably downcast. Practically hanging onto Astria's shoulders all the time now that he no longer had the company of his beloved feline friend. It was quite sad to see.

Astria saw Filch rubbing the message on the wall with Magical Multi-purpose Skower Solution, but with no result. The words continued to shine on the stone, stronger than ever. When Filch wasn't guarding the crime scene, he skulked through the corridors, his eyes red, pouncing on distracted students and trying to dole out detentions for things like "breathing loudly" and "looking happy."

Ginny Wesley was avoiding her like the devil avoids the cross. Which she didn't pay much attention to. If the girl was anything like her brother, she could explode into a thousand pieces and Astria wouldn't bat an eye.

She could be found in the library, her nose buried in books and stacks of books. There was very little material about Parseltongue speakers, and Astria suspected there was more in the restricted section. But for that, she would have to talk to one of the professors. However, maybe...

A professor who wouldn't ask her too many questions. A very self-centered and very, very clueless professor!

The classroom was completely empty. Lockhart should have been preparing the material for the Dueling Club. It was open for Fourth-year students and above. But to her surprise, or not-so-surprising, the man was answering fan letters and signing autographs.


Astria knocked on the door, her head slightly inclined, observing Professor Lockhart with a smile that mixed scorn and cynicism. She had studied her target meticulously.

"Professor Lockhart," she began, softening her voice as if in total admiration.

"Ah, Miss Shafic," he said with a smile as bright as two suns, running his hand through his hair dramatically. "What an honor, come in. Are you here for an autograph?" he asked, raising an eyebrow and already reaching for a quill.

It was very hard not to roll her eyes and keep up the fake smile.

"Actually, professor..." she started with a sugary voice. "I was utterly amazed by your heroic tales and your impressive experience, so... heroic. I've always dreamt of delving deeper into the subject, but the book I need is in the restricted section."

Lockhart lifted his chin, clearly drawn by the compliment, his ego being massaged. "Ah, my dear, it's a pleasure to hear that. I can see my efforts to inspire young minds are bearing fruit."

Astria cast an almost embarrassed glance to the ground. "I was thinking... Would it be possible to obtain authorization to access the Restricted Section? Of course, I understand I'm just a second-year student, but my passion for the subject is overwhelming. I'm sure I could find unique insights in the books there. You know..." She blinked through her lashes and sighed dramatically. "I'd like to be like you someday," she quickly said in a low tone, accompanied by a soft gasp.

Lockhart grinned stupidly from ear to ear, clearly flattered by the adulation. "My dear. Of course... Not that it's easy work, especially for beginners like you. But I have a feeling you're an exceptionally talented student. Well, I'm sure no one would mind if I gave the best student of the year a little extra help."

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