𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐏𝐡𝐢𝐥𝐨𝐬𝐨𝐩𝐡𝐞𝐫'𝐬 𝐒𝐭𝐨𝐧𝐞

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It was boiling hot, especially in the written exams room. The students had received new and special quills to use, previously enchanted with an anti-cheating spell. Oh, yes, as if a simple spell would stop the school's prodigious cheaters. It wouldn't matter much if you were a mobile radio and could look inside the teachers' heads. Astria didn't need to do that, she knew the answers, she had studied. But it was so much fun to break the rules and make everyone look foolish.

There were practical exams too. Professor Flitwick called them into the classroom one by one, to see if they could make a pineapple tap dance on the table. Yes, because that's a critical skill everyone will need in the wizarding world.

McGonagall watched as they turned a mouse into a snuffbox, awarding points for the beauty of the box and deducting points when the box had whiskers.

Lady Malfoy walked around the room with piercing eyes as everyone brewed the Forgetfulness Potion. This time Astria tried not to eavesdrop, which failed, of course. But she knew Lady Malfoy had that piercing look because she was watching to see if anyone would dare to cheat in her examination. She was also quite judgmental about some desperate thoughts. Oh, being a Legilimens in an exam room, how fun!

Professor Snape made everyone nervous as he practically breathed down their necks while they tried to distinguish between a billywig and a red-horned demon.

The last exam was History of Magic. An hour answering questions about old doddering wizards who invented self-stirring cauldrons and would be free, free for a wonderful week until the exam results were out. Unless, of course, Voldemort invaded the school to steal the Philosopher's Stone. Because, after all, that happens in every school, right?

Astria was becoming increasingly frustrated with Harry's voracious thoughts. But she knew he was right. That creature couldn't get hold of the stone. After all, why on earth was that stone there in the first place? 'Safest place in the world' my backside!


Draco was grumbling relentlessly about the disadvantages of having a teacher for a mother. He was annoyed because when he was trying to hex a Gryffindor boy to make his ears grow, Lady Malfoy appeared right behind him.

He hadn't been caught in the act. But he was thinking of pulling out his wand, and well... Lady Malfoy is a Legilimens.

He received a massive detention and would have to clean the trophy goblets.

They were sitting on one of the hallway stools, mocking Vincent and Greg, when a trio of Gryffindors rushed past and bumped into Draco.

"Blimey, Potter! Are you trying to kill me? You look like a runaway train," Draco grumbled, scowling as he got up.

Harry had also fallen to the floor unceremoniously, his glasses tumbling a few feet ahead of him.

"And look, Harry has also decided to take an obstacle course running test in the corridor," Astria rolled her eyes, bending down to pick them up and handing them over.

"Why are you running like you have a massive stomachache and need to use the loo?" she asked, raising an eyebrow.

Ron chuckled, and Draco burst into laughter.

"Cut it out, this is serious!" Hermione complained, and the five of them huddled together to whisper. "We just talked to Hagrid, and apparently, he gave precise information on how to get past the three-headed dog guarding the stone," she said quietly.

"Three-headed dog?" Draco widened his eyes in disbelief.

"And he called it Fluffy!" Ron added, and then the two of them laughed like goofballs.

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