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I sketched this with the intention of featuring it in the opening chapter of the new story. Here's the outfit as described. It took a good three hours to wrap it up. But, as I'm getting back to the basics of illustration, I believe I can whip up something even better by then.

 But, as I'm getting back to the basics of illustration, I believe I can whip up something even better by then

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𝟐𝟎𝐭𝐡 𝐉𝐮𝐧𝐞 𝟏𝟗𝟕𝟖

The gentle moonlight bathed the room as I paced silently from side to side. The slumbering figure in my bed remained in peaceful sleep; even the cry of a Whisper wouldn't stir her when she closed her eyes.

Her serene face was delicately hidden behind the dark tresses, a stark contrast to her fair complexion. I lifted my gaze once more to the clock on the dresser. Kreatcher had departed six hours ago, and there was still no sign of his return. In my chest, the pang of regret began to set in.

I imagined that something dire must have occurred; I shouldn't have lent my cherished sprite to the Dark Lord. Without hesitation, I raised my left hand and snapped my fingers, commanding aloud: "Kreatcher, come to me."

A snap echoed, and instant relief enveloped me as I saw the sprite before me. Something that was soon replaced by concern as I observed his state.

Kreatcher was terribly weak, and it didn't take long for his diminutive form to slump against my arms. "Master Regulus called Kreatcher," the sprite murmured with a deep and almost inaudible voice, his eyes struggling to focus.

"Merlin, what happened to you?!" I exclaimed, guiding him to the armchair. His body could barely support itself, weakened and ailing.

"Evil, evil Dark Lord," the sprite said. "Dark Lord ordered Kreatcher to stay. But Master Regulus saved him, thank you, master."

"Reggie?" called the feminine voice behind me. "What's wrong? Kreatcher?" she exclaimed, now fully awake, quickly sitting up to pull the robe around her body. "Go to my bag, there's a kit of potions there."

With a huff of protest at her authoritative tone, I approached the coat stand, retrieving the complete kit protected in dragon leather. Noctua, preparing to become an alchemist, never walked unprepared since she earned her potions master title.

"This?" I nervously asked, already heading toward the witch now kneeling in front of the sprite.

"Perfect," she confirmed, opening the vial and pouring its contents directly into Kreatcher's mouth. It didn't take long. Soon, he could blink again and sit with bat-like ears steaming. Pepper-up Potion. It serves to revive.

"What happened? Can you speak?" I asked, crouching next to Noctua in front of the sprite.

The creature swayed even faster, exhaling in sobs. "Master sent Monstro to find the Dark Lord, as the master asked. The Dark Lord didn't tell Kreatcher what they were going to do, but took Kreatcher with him to a cave by the sea... beyond the cave, there was another cave, and in the cave, there was a huge black lake... There was a boat, and there was a b-basin full of potion on the island. The Dark L-lord made Monstro drink..."

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