𝐎 𝐂𝐡𝐢𝐥𝐝𝐫𝐞𝐧

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⚠️Put the song on⚠️


Astria lay on her sleeping bag, gazing at the sky. Inside the tent, Ron still had the cursed radio on, tuning in to the missing persons list, hoping none of his family members would be mentioned.

The noise used to irritate her a few days ago. But now, with each name listed, especially those she cared about, not mentioned, it was a huge relief, albeit a selfish one.

Her and Harry's names were now mentioned as 'the children who disappeared.' They were seen as cowards who had fled to save themselves.

She inwardly cursed herself for it. Indeed, she should be rallying, calling for a rebellion. But they needed to destroy the horcruxes. Without that, there would be no hope.

She entered the tent when she felt the first raindrop on her forehead, grimacing at the sensation. She got up, grabbed the sleeping bag, and dragged it inside. Hermione was cutting Harry's hair, causing more havoc than fixing.

"You know, with this rusty blade, the cut will hardly come out even," Astria mocked with a wry smile, folding a sheet and sitting in the corner of the tent.

"What did you expect? A goblin blade?" Hermione retorted, making more cuts. Harry's previous thick tufts of hair fell to the ground like fallen soldiers.

Evidence of the massacre Hermione was doing on Harry's head. Perhaps, indeed, with a decent blade, she would do better. Hell, even a cutting spell would be better.

Goblin blade. ─ The word echoed in Astria's head several times before she felt her own eyes widen, and, like in a cartoon, a lightbulb lit up above her head.

"Oh, Merlin... Granger! Goblin blade! Gryffindor's sword is made of goblin metal!"

"Oh, my God!" Hermione screamed in a high-pitched tone, dropping the old blade and rushing to the improvised kitchen in search of something. "Of course!"

"What?" Harry asked nervously, running his hand through his hair to assess the damage Hermione had done.

"The sword is made of goblin metal. The goblins mentioned it earlier."


"No, you don't understand," Astria said, rolling her eyes. "Dirt and rust don't affect the metal. It only absorbs what strengthens it."

"Okay," Harry muttered, scratching his neck. And Hermione huffed, pulling out the book to show him.

"Harry, you killed the basilisk using Gryffindor's sword, right? But do you remember how Astria destroyed that horcrux?"

Harry's eyes widened, as big as two suns. Mouth wide open when he finally understood.

"The basilisk's blood. And the metal is coated. You said it absorbs to strengthen itself..."

"The sword's metal is filled with basilisk venom. That's why Dumbledore left it for you. He knew we could use it," Astria said with a broad smile. "I remember grabbing some fangs in the chamber. But I left everything with Narcissa; I think she kept it for potions. It's in her room at Hogwarts. Our only hope would be to find the sword."

"The sword can destroy the horcruxes... You two are brilliant!" Harry said, solemnly. The three, so focused, discussing theories and ways to find the sword over the soft sound of rain, didn't notice the fourth presence in the small improvised room until the only source of light went out. And the familiar sound of Ron's Deluminator was heard in the room.

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