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Are you ready?


Astria had never been part of such an odd group. Lago hung on her shoulders, Crookshanks led the way like a tour guide as they descended the stairs, followed by Narcissa, Pettigrew, and Ron, who all looked like contestants in a six-legged race. Lupin and Professor Snape came next, floating like ghosts, their feet hitting each step as they descended, held up by their own wands, which Sirius pointed at Snape. Harry, Draco, and Hermione brought up the rear.

Returning to the tunnel was like trying to fit a hippogriff into a phone booth. Narcissa, Pettigrew, and Ron had to turn sideways to get through; Lupin continued to cover Pettigrew with his wand. Astria watched them slowly advance through the tunnel in single file, Crookshanks leading the way.

Astria, following behind Narcissa, glanced back and saw Sirius, who continued to make Snape float ahead with his limp head hitting the low ceiling. She had the impression that Black was doing nothing to avoid the blows, and she found nothing amusing about it.

"Professor, how did you become friends with my parents?" Harry asked, curiosity burning as intensely as a fire-breathing dragon about to erupt.

"I was specifically friends with your mother," Narcissa explained with a smile. "Lily was the only one who knew my secret back in Hogwarts."

"That you're an Animagus?" Astria inquired, equally intrigued.

"No, that I had a girlfriend."

With that, Astria stumbled over a root in the middle of the tunnel and almost kissed the cold floor if it weren't for Sirius's quick reflexes in grabbing her collar.

Lago dug his nails in to avoid falling, and she hissed softly. "Who?" She asked fearfully.

"Alice Longbottom."

"Neville's mother?!" Draco exclaimed, scandalized, and Narcissa only nodded.

"It didn't last long. Alice found a magical bond, and... Well, there's no escaping a magical connection."

"Like soulmates, isn't it?" Hermione asked. "I think I read about it. It's very rare, with only a few recorded instances every century."

"That's right," Narcissa sighed, looking a little melancholic.

"Do you still love her?" Astria blurted out abruptly, unable to contain herself as they made their slow progress through the tunnel.

"As a dear friend," Narcissa explained. "It was for the best. I ended up accepting my parents' marriage arrangement with the Malfoys, and after years, well... I found my own bond."

Astria looked at the ground, scowling, kicking pebbles hard and not understanding why it irritated her so much. Who could it be?

So absorbed in her thoughts, she didn't notice the way Narcissa discreetly smiled over her shoulder, gazing intently at her.

"I can't believe it. Do you know what I'll be soon?" Sirius suddenly said, looking very cheerful.

"Handing Pettigrew over, and you'll be free," Harry replied, smiling.

"That's right. But I'm also, in case no one told you, I'm your godfather."

"I knew," Harry said.

"Well... your parents appointed me as your guardian," Black said formally. "If anything happened to them... Naturally, I'll understand if you want to stay with your aunt and uncle," Sirius said nervously. "But... well, think about it. After my name is cleared... if you want a... different home..."

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