𝐇𝐞𝐚𝐝 𝐆𝐢𝐫𝐥

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Living at the Anti-Voldemort headquarters was dreadfully dull, and, to be honest, if it weren't for the absurd amount of dark artifacts and books with shadier content than the usefulness of the whips she found in Narcissa's closet.

Astria would have died of boredom.

She was almost feeling like a house-elf, spending her days helping clean up the mess. There were some very peculiar things in that house (they even found a hidden vampire in the bathroom and a bogeyman in the office cabinet).

In the moment she was trying not to pick a fight with one of the twins just for fun when she had the brilliant idea ─ to annoy Narcissa.

This became her new favorite activity: making requests with the sweetest, most innocent voice as possible, watching the older witch's chest heave with each request, and her hands twitch like an eager feline ready to sharpen its claws. Astria discovered that her sweet voice and sparkling eyes had a particular effect on the older witch, and she couldn't resist the temptation to tease her.

Narcissa bit her lower lip, took a deep breath, and finally gave in with a sigh, saying, "Of course, my darling."

She was about to skip off and put her hand on the doorknob when Ron Weasley aggressively swung the darn door open, hitting her in the face in the process.

"You brainless baboon!" she exclaimed angrily, rubbing her nose.

Ron looked like he was about to apologize, but upon hearing the old nickname, he responded gruffly, "The supply lists have arrived," tossing one of the envelopes towards Astria, who was still rubbing her sore nose while plotting creative ways to pull a tuft of his red hair while he slept. So, while she was still plotting more painful revenge, he left to deliver the rest of the envelopes.

Astria ran her finger over the Hogwarts crest before opening it. Her jaw dropped as a badge fell into her palm. It was green with silver lettering: "Head Girl."

She rushed to read the contents and noticed there were three sheets of parchment: one was the usual notice that the term would start in September, the second listed the books she would need during the school year, and the last...

Her jaw dropped even further when she realized she had been chosen to be the Slytherin prefect.

There was a loud bang, and Draco stormed into her room once again, nearly slamming the door in her face. ─ Again.

"What the hell?!" she exclaimed angrily. "Doesn't anyone know how to knock in this damn house?!"

Draco, who had his mouth open, holding a badge in one hand and the Hogwarts letter in the other, barely paid attention to her escalating murderous mood. "You got one?" he asked incredulously, looking in awe at the badge in her hands.

"Yes," Astria rolled her eyes and reached out to see his badge more closely. It was identical to hers but just "Prefect" in silver.

"Did Harry get one too?" Draco asked excitedly, already heading out the door of her room.

Astria sighed and followed suit. The boys' dorm was at the end of the hallway one floor below. The door was open, and Harry, Hermione, Ron, Fred, and George were talking.

Hermione turned around excitedly. "You guys too?" she asked with a wide smile, holding her own badge.

Ron shuffled his feet awkwardly when Astria stared at him and then looked at Harry. The others were incredibly surprised that Ron had been chosen over Harry, and she almost felt sympathy for him.

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