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The storm from the previous night had given way to a gloomy dawn, with the ceiling of the Great Hall still menacing as leaden-gray clouds coiled in the sky. Astria, Daphne, and Pansy sat at the Slytherin table, examining their new schedules during breakfast before classes.

Daphne ran her finger down the column labeled Monday on her timetable and said, "Today isn't bad... We have a Transfiguration class, Care of Magical Creatures, and, ah... it's with the Gryffindors again. Double Divination in the afternoon...".

Astria, scrutinizing her own schedule, retorted with mockery, "And you said it wouldn't be a bad day?". She noticed she had Divination and Arithmancy at the same time, and Care of Magical Creatures and Runes overlapping.

While they talked, a sudden noise above them caught their attention. A hundred owls flew in through the open windows, bringing the morning mail. The owls circled above the tables, delivering letters and packages.

Medeia, Draco's owl, landed on his shoulder with her usual supply of sweets and cakes. Astria waited patiently, and the owl hopped over to her, seeking affection before delivering a letter. Astria knew Medeia never gave her anything without some petting first; she was as spoiled as her owner.

Ah, there was her morning note from Narcissa.

My dearest

A little cat told me that you didn't sleep last night. Are those nightmares haunting you again? If you want to talk, you know you can just call me, and I'll be there.
I'm sending you some sweet clouds; I noticed you liked them last time, I hope they're still to your liking.

Have a wonderful day, and don't forget to take a warm cloak when you leave the castle. It's cold.

With love,


Astria waited with the parchment open in her palm, and after a few seconds, it began to fold into a bird, circling around her before landing.

She smiled and looked towards the teachers' table, where Narcissa was already watching her with a smile.

Her good mood lasted throughout the rest of the day. Not even having to look at Minerva McGonagall in Transfiguration class bothered her ─ Old liar. Her and Dumbledore, all liars.

When the bell rang to announce the start of the afternoon classes, she and Draco made their way to the North Tower. At the top of a narrow spiral staircase, a silver ladder led to a trapdoor in the ceiling, which led to Professor Sibila Trelawney's classroom.

Upon arrival, as always, the curtains were drawn, and the circular room was bathed in a dim, reddish light emitted by several lamps covered with scarves and shawls. Astria and Draco walked among the chairs and chintz-covered poufs, already occupied, and sat at a round table in a remote corner of the room. If they were lucky, they wouldn't be approached by the old crazy woman.

"Good afternoon!" Said the ethereal voice of the professor from the door.

Her glasses, which made her eyes seem too large for her face, stared at Astria with the tragic expression she always wore when she saw her. Her numerous usual necklaces and bracelets sparkled on her body in the fireplace's flames.

"You are troubled, my dear," she said sadly to Astria.

"I ─ am ─ not," she replied, raising a single eyebrow.

"My Inner Eye pierces your brave face and reaches into your troubled soul, child. I'm sorry to say your concerns are well-founded. I see difficult times in your future, oh dear... very difficult... I fear the thing you dread may indeed come to pass... and perhaps sooner than you think..."

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