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Finally managed to piece together the entire timeline of the new history, and also crafted some illustrations that I believe (you folks will enjoy).

Now I'm back to focusing on Legilimency, and well... folks, brace yourselves for a bit of mild distress because Astria is going to endure a tad.


During the week that followed, Astria had a dreadful feeling that something bad would happen. Something truly unpleasant. She wasn't proud of concealing the truth from Narcissa; she didn't want to hide it. However, if her concern turned into reality, she would do everything to shield those she loves.

Then it happened. The night when everything would change. Dumbledore had located the Horcrux. He asked Harry to take the invisibility cloak and fetch Astrid. Both concealed along the corridor to the headmaster's office. He made them swear to follow all orders without questioning. And if they needed to flee.

They would flee.

"But what will people think when they see us leaving, professor?" Harry asked as they walked.

"That I'm off to Hogsmeade for a drink," Dumbledore replied playfully. "Sometimes I favor Rosmerta, other times I visit the Hog's Head... or pretend to visit. It's a good way to disguise the true destination."

They descended down the school road in the twilight. The air was saturated with the scents of warm grass, lake water, and wood smoke from Hagrid's hut. It was hard to believe they were walking towards something dangerous or frightening.

"Professor," Astria whispered as they approached the gates at the beginning of the road. "Shall we disapparate?"

"Let's go. You already know how to disapparate, I believe."

"I already have my license; Harry doesn't," sighed Astria.

"No matter," said the headmaster. "Since you don't know the place, we'll go together."

Exiting the gates, they turned towards the deserted road to Hogsmeade. Darkness fell quickly during the walk, and by the time they reached the main street, it was almost night. Lights shimmered in the windows above the shops, and as they approached the Three Broomsticks, they heard shrill shouts.

"...and stay out!" Madame Rosmerta yelled, forcefully ejecting a shabbily dressed wizard. "Ah, hello, Albus... leaving late..."

"Good evening, Rosmerta, good evening... excuse me, I'm heading to the Hog's Head... not to offend, but I prefer a quieter atmosphere tonight..."

A minute later, they turned onto a side street where the sign of the Hog's Head swung, creaking softly, though there was no breeze. Unlike the Three Broomsticks, the bar seemed entirely empty.

"We won't need to go in," Dumbledore murmured, looking around. "As long as people don't see us disappearing... now, place your hand on my arm, both of you. No need to grip too tightly; I'll just guide you. When I count to three: one... two... three..."

Astria turned. Instantly, she felt the forceful sensation of being pushed into a thick rubber tube, unable to breathe, every part of her body compressing unbearably. Just when she thought she would suffocate, the invisible belt seemed to break, and she found herself standing in cold darkness, filling her lungs with fresh, salty air.

The smell of salt and the sound of waves filled the air, a light, chilly breeze tousling her hair as she turned to gaze at the moonlit sea and starry sky. Standing on top of a dark rock, beneath which the water foamed and churned. She looked over her shoulder. Behind her rose a cliff, rugged, black, and indistinct.

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