𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐁𝐚𝐭𝐭𝐥𝐞 ( 𝐟𝐢𝐧𝐚𝐥 𝐩𝐚𝐫𝐭 )

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Alright, chaps, here we are. I'm feeling a touch melancholy, as this is the penultimate chapter. The final instalment drops on the morrow.

What a journey, eh?
Was marvellous write this for ya

This marks my final tale in this vein.

"Obliviate" shall diverge entirely from "House of Black" and "Legilimency", but I vow to gift you an opening chapter that nods to both.

Love ya


With her heart pounding, Astria whisked Harry and Regulus into the sanctuary of a shadowed nook. They hurriedly descended the next flight of stairs, finding themselves in a corridor seething with the tumult of battle.

The paintings lining the walls were alive with figures shouting advice and encouragements, while Death Eaters, both masked and unmasked, fiercely dueled with students and faculty.

At the stairwell's summit, Ron and Hermione were locked in combat with Dolohov, while Draco, at the stair's base, confronted Travers. Astria, Regulus, and Harry unhesitatingly raised their wands, ready to join the fray, but the combatants were moving so swiftly there was a genuine risk of hitting an ally with a misaimed spell.

As they waited for an opportunity to intervene, a piercing shriek filled the air. Astria glanced upwards to see Peeves, the poltergeist, zooming overhead, dropping Puking Pastilles on the Death Eaters. The heads of the Death Eaters were instantly cloaked in wriggling green tubers resembling chubby worms.

"Good on you, Peeves!" cheered Astria. The poltergeist tossed her a Bombastic Bomb, which she lobbed at Dolohov's back. Seizing the moment, Hermione floored Dolohov with a Stunning Spell. Dolohov attempted a counterattack, but Ron immobilized him with a Full Body-Bind Curse.

"WE HAVE TO GO!" Astria yelled, and the other three sprinted down the staircase, dashing through the corridor.

"Harry, I need you to focus," Astria implored, pulling them into the shadow of a darkened corner. "Find the snake."

Harry did not hesitate to close his eyes. A grimace of pain crossed his face, his eyes darting frenetically beneath his lids until his emerald eyes snapped open, locking on Astria.

"He's on the deck, near the barges. The snake is with him, unprotected."

"He's not even trying to fight?" Ron bellowed, and Draco rolled his eyes.

"He doesn't need to, Weasley. He knows these two will be foolish enough to go after him."

"Exactly," Astria concurred, gripping her wand tighter. A small smile flitted across her lips. "It's amusing."

"What is?" Harry asked, looking at her as if she had lost her mind.

"Our first venture together, all of us. It was right here in this corridor where it all began."
They stood in the now-quiet corridor, the echoes of battle still ringing through the castle's walls. Hermione swallowed hard, looking upwards as if holding back tears before giving a curt nod.

"Right. We can't all fit under the cloak. You two cover up."

"No way," Harry began to protest, but Regulus cut him off, grabbing the beaded bag to retrieve the cloak and draping it over Astria's shoulders.

"You're going. I'll stay and assist here in the castle. You can all squeeze in, even if your feet poke out. Go."

They nodded, huddling under the cloak. Dueling was happening everywhere-down the stairs and through the foyer; Death Eaters were everywhere Astria looked: Yaxley, dueling near the entrance doors with Flitwick; a masked Death Eater locked in combat with Narcissa. Students were running in all directions, some carrying or dragging injured friends.

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