𝐅𝐚𝐜𝐞 𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐩𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐧𝐞𝐫𝐬

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When she came to, she felt the rain hitting her face, lying in the field, with someone leaning over her. She opened her eyes and found herself facing a pair of brown eyes, looking at her with concern and filled with tears.

"Ah, am I dead?" She muttered, trying to lift her arm to touch the face of the 'angel' in front of her, but failing miserably.

Lady Black let out a somewhat reluctant laugh, wiping her own tears. "This again? You're my angel, actually," she said with a hint of amusement. But then her expression turned somber, and she sighed. "You nearly killed me back there."

Flint landed quickly by the field, wearing a broad smile that contradicted the concern in his eyes. "Wow, Shafic. Who would've thought you'd take 'catch the Snitch or die' so seriously," he taunted, tracing a mocking smile. The icy look he received from Lady Black made his audacity wither, and he quickly raised his hands in a gesture of surrender.

"Your arm is broken, dear," she murmured, a low tone of concern in her voice, as she examined Astria's arm attentively. "We need to take her to the hospital wing. Immediately."

Beside them, Harry sat, seemingly disoriented, while Lockhart brandished his wand.

"Don't worry, Harry. I'll fix your arm," he said arrogantly, completely ignoring the boy's protests. A blue flash came from the tip of his wand, and Harry raised his arm, now hanging like rubber. Instead of fixing the bones, Lockhart completely regrew them.

Astria lifted her eyes, her bright and already large irises widening absurdly, as she fixed a gaze of pure panic on Lady Black.

"Help. Don't let that lunatic come near me."


Madame Pomfrey was clearly not pleased.

"You should have come directly to me!"echoed the matron's shout from the bed ahead, causing Harry to shrink back from the pitiful sight of what, half an hour ago, had been his functional arm.

"I can mend bones in the blink of an eye, but growing them back..."

"A blink of an eye is quite a broad definition!" Astria grumbled sulkily, still holding the broken arm as if it were an inconvenient trophy.

"Well, well, just a few more hours," Madame Pomfrey rephrased with exasperation.

"Can you do it, ma'am?" Harry asked,desperation evident in his voice.

"Of course, I can, but it won't be pleasant. It will hurt, ─ a lot," Madame Pomfrey replied with a somber tone, eliciting a satisfied smile from Astria.

Not that she's proud of it. But she's quite spiteful and a bit vengeful.

While Lady Black remained by her side the whole time, Draco kept her company briefly before leaving to celebrate. Astria watched his departure with a mixture of disdain and envy.

"Look at them all celebrating like mad, and here I am on the brink of death," she grumbled in a morbid tone.

Lady Black couldn't contain a genuine laugh."Oh, don't be so dramatic. You're not going to die," she said amidst laughter.

"You'll be fine, now, come on..." Lady Black cajoled, lightly poking Astria's belly. "Give me a smile," she tried again, launching a tickle attack.

Astria couldn't resist and ended up laughing heartily, lying back with tears in the corners of her eyes, gazing at the woman in front of her with quite visible adoration.

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