𝐁𝐥𝐚𝐜𝐤 𝐑𝐚𝐯𝐞𝐧

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On Christmas day, Hermione paid a surprise visit. Coincidentally, it was the same day Mr. Weasley was discharged and recovered from the snake venom. It seemed that Hermione wasn't too thrilled about skiing with her parents, so she chose to spend the rest of the holiday season with them, to Astria's evident delight, who was so happy that she could have jumped from a tall building.

"What's this creature doing here?" Astria inquired as she came down for breakfast.

"It's great to see you too, Astria," Hermione replied with an ironic smile and a grimace.

"Now I understand why I felt a wave of mediocrity coming from here, it was just Granger," she teased with a mocking air.

The young Gryffindor ignored the sarcastic tone and retorted with a restrained smile. "Always so charming."

The boys looked back and forth between them as if they were watching a tennis match. Meanwhile, Ginny was thoroughly enjoying the situation, devouring grapes as if they were popcorn. However, Narcissa was the only one who had no interest in witnessing the exchange of pleasantries.

"Come on, help me pick out a dress," she called, dragging Astria out of the room, although both knew it was just an excuse. As soon as the door closed, their lips met once more, and Astria found herself being gently pushed onto the bed, with Narcissa straddling her hips, never ceasing the assault on her lips.

This new activity had become the older witch's favorite, a kind of symphony where she completely dominated Astria's lips, playing them like a virtuoso violinist until the girl was breathless and longing for more. Then, with a suggestive remark, she would withdraw, leaving Astria in a state of utter confusion.

It was torture.

"We'll be back soon," she commented, attacking her neck and collarbone with her teeth. "You know you must behave at Hogwarts, don't you? No offering to show your breasts."

Astria had to catch her breath several times before responding, her voice a husky whisper. "I can manage..." she sighed as she felt Narcissa's warm tongue soothing the skin of her neck. "But what about you, Lady Black? Can you restrain yourself? Are you sure you don't want to see my breasts now?"

There was silence for a moment, and just when Astria thought Narcissa would reply, the witch only bit her lower lip and resumed attacking her lips with even more renewed vigor.


After the Christmas festivities, Sirius's exuberance began to wane with the impending return to Hogwarts for all of them. He would be alone, except for the company of Buckbeak and the frequent visits from Remus, whose relationship with him seemed to be blossoming romantically, although neither of them was ready to address the matter. And a few days later, right after a quick lunch, they donned their coats and scarves to shield themselves from the biting cold of January.

The cutting wind swept through the streets, causing everyone to huddle their coats tightly around their bodies. It was time to return to Hogwarts, and this time, they would do so aboard the Knight Bus, in the company of Tonks and Lupin, who were already patiently waiting for them as Astria descended the stairs with Lago leading the way.

They walked along the main avenue, feeling the icy air nipping at their faces. Tonks, disguised as a tall rural aristocratic woman with gray hair, was next to Harry, while Narcissa accompanied Astria, closely observing their surroundings, and Lupin kept a discreet distance, walking alongside Hermione and the Weasley siblings.

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