𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐌𝐚𝐫𝐤

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Shortly, they were engulfed by the crowd pouring out of the stadium and returning to the campsites. The night air brought off-key singing to their ears as they followed the path illuminated by lanterns. Leprechauns continued to hover over the area at high speed, chattering and shaking lanterns. When they finally returned to the tents, no one felt like sleeping.

Amidst the cacophony around them, Narcissa agreed that one last cup of hot chocolate would be a welcome relief before they rested. She took a book from her bag while Draco flopped onto a sofa, and Astria settled into the armchair next to the witch. The fire crackled in the makeshift fireplace, and candlelight danced on the book's pages as Narcissa read in a low, melodic tone.

Only when Astria slumped into Narcissa's lap, overcome by sleep and clumsily spilling hot chocolate on the floor, did the older witch suggest that they all go to bed.

Astria changed into a pink silk shorts and shirt with black frills, a gift from Andromeda, which had become her favorite outfit. She soon lay back on her bed, gazing at the tent ceiling. On the other side of the camp, the echoes of singing and drumming created a mysterious and unsettling melody; people were still celebrating.

Her thoughts drifted to the game. Why had Narcissa become so annoyed with the Veelas?

She was already toying with the hem of her shorts when she heard a scream.

It was Narcissa.

"Get up! Darling, hurry, get up, it's urgent!" Astria sat up quickly in shock and fell to the floor as her legs got tangled in the sheets.

"What's wrong, Ciça?" She asked vaguely, realizing that something was amiss. But she was terrified that Narcissa had heard her dirty thoughts about her hands.

The noise in the camp had changed. The singing had stopped. She heard shouts and a stampede of people running. Astria grabbed her clothes, but Narcissa, pulling a leather overcoat over her tiny nightdress, said, "We don't have time, darling, put this on and get out quickly!" She exclaimed, handing her one of her own dragon leather overcoats.

Astria obeyed and rushed out of the tent, with Draco following closely, wearing baggy shorts and the blazer from his earlier suit.

It was a terrible combination, but she didn't have much time to criticize her friend's appearance because in the distance, she could hear an explosion of green light.

In the light of the few remaining campfires, she saw people running into the forest, fleeing from something advancing towards the camp, something that emitted strange flashes and noises resembling gunfire. Loud jeers, laughter, and drunken shouts were approaching.

A compact group of witches and wizards, moving in unison and pointing their wands upward, was marching through the camp.

She squinted to see them... they didn't seem to have faces... then she realized they had hooded heads and masked faces. High above them in the air, four figures struggled, forced to assume grotesque forms. They writhed and screamed in agony in an unnatural way. Two of the figures were very small.

More wizards joined the marching group, laughing and pointing at the bodies in the air. Tents closed and collapsed as the crowd grew thicker. Astria saw a wizard explode a tent with his wand to clear the way once or twice. Some caught fire. The shouting grew louder.

The people in the air were suddenly illuminated as they passed over a burning tent, and Astria finally recognized one of them. It was Mr. Roberts, the camp manager they had met when they arrived. The other three must have been his wife and children.

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