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Folks, this one has details from the first chapter. Let's back in time, literally


During the rest of the week's Potions classes, Astria continued to follow the Half-Blood Prince's instructions whenever they diverged from Libatius Borage's, and, as a result, around the fourth class, Narcissa was ecstatic about Astria's ability, constantly commenting on how proud she was to teach such a talented individual.

The witch seemed to practically melt every time, that even without needing to open the book, Astria masterfully executed all the advanced-level potions required.

This had one undeniable reason, of course: Astria began to devour the book from cover to cover in every moment of solitude granted to her.

A new notebook, entirely dedicated to potions, soon found its place in her backpack. She meticulously rewrote all of the Half-Blood Prince's notes, spending time testing each one and conducting thorough research in the library to ensure the perfection of each preparation.

Astria had leafed through the book enough to see that there was hardly a page on which the Half-Blood Prince hadn't made annotations, not always related to potion-making.

Here and there were instructions for spells that seemed to be of his own invention, or so she had come to suspect.

After some research, she found only one woman registered with the last name "Prince" in an old clipping in the library. She assumed that the Half-Blood Prince might be a descendant of this woman. The Prince family had, at some point, been considered one of the most respected among pure-blood wizards in England, before being removed from the notorious Sacred 28 for not maintaining their lineage as immaculate.
In her deduction, Astria speculated that the former owner of the book was indeed a descendant of the Princes and used the title out of pride.

And, well, so far, her hunches had never failed.

Snapping out of her reverie and finally checking the clock, she realized it was almost eight o'clock. She then packed her things and left the library.

Astria crossed the deserted corridors until she reached the point on the seventh-floor corridor where there was only a gargoyle on the wall.

"Acid pops" she said.

The gargoyle leaped aside, the concealed wall opened, and a circular stone staircase appeared, on which Astria placed her feet to be taken to the door with the brass knocker that led to Dumbledore's office.

Astria raised her hand and knocked.
"Come in," came the voice of the headmaster.

"Good evening, sir," she greeted as she entered the office.

"Ah, good evening, Astria. Please, have a seat," Dumbledore said, smiling. "I believe Harry is arriving shortly."

And indeed, it didn't take long for another knock at the door, and as he did with her, Dumbledore gave the order to enter.

Harry appeared, smiling, first his head peeking in, then the rest of his body. "Good evening, professor."

"How are you, Harry? I hope your first week at school has been enjoyable."

"It has, thank you, sir."

"That's very good. I've heard incredible things about both of you. I know Professor Slughorn is most impressed with you, Astria," Dumbledore nodded. "Narcissa can't stop praising you at every opportunity, much more than she ever did. I've heard Slughorn complain more than once about not being able to teach you some tricks himself."

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