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Throughout the greater part of the past week of her holidays, Astria relished every available moment in the company of Narcissa. They were well aware that they would soon have to return to Hogwarts, where discretion was imperative. However, from time to time, the blonde would lead her to a chamber where they engaged in intense kisses, making the world around them vanish, leaving their legs trembling and their lungs yearning for air.

Narcissa surprised Astria with books of a vastly different nature from the usual academic materials. They were genuine guides delving into techniques of bondage and dynamics of relationships involving sexual control and submission.

The first of these appeared on Astria's bed, as if it had always belonged there. She spent the rest of the afternoon immersed in the content, absorbing every word with extreme attention. It was evident that the blonde preferred a power dynamic, and, based on her behaviour when they were alone, it was clear that she enjoyed taking on the dominant role.

And Astria, of course, found herself utterly fascinated by it all.

"What's the difference between the whips?" she asked with curiosity as she explored the closet filled with equipment.

"The level of impact for pain distribution," replied Narcissa, her arms supporting the upper part of her body as she reclined on the bed, following the girl with her eyes. "The area where it's applied also matters greatly; depending on the tool, the pain can be much more intense. For instance, the wooden paddle is primarily used for punishment due to its high impact."

Astria nodded, taking the object in her hands and feeling its weight. It was heavy and had a certain roughness. When she tested its impact against her open palm, she felt a sharp, instant sting, and soon the heat spread through her hand for quite a while.

Looking back at the collection of whips, she wondered how the elves felt when cleaning Narcissa's room and discovering all these tools.

With that thought in mind, the witch let out a hearty laugh.

"I once found Tinky cleaning with her eyes closed," Narcissa replied with a playful smile, reminiscing about the memory.

"What's your favorite?" Astria asked, breathless, as she returned to the bed and settled onto the witch's lap naturally, her arms wrapping around the pale neck, and her legs on either side of the mattress.

Narcissa smiled before leaning in to answer, "The whips." She paused to gauge Astria's reaction, and as soon as the girl shivered, her smile widened, and she continued, "I can't wait to try one of them on you; they'll leave such beautiful marks on your skin."

"What about the ropes?" she asked softly, her back arching as she felt nails tracing her skin.

"Ah... would you like to be tied? Want to have your arms and legs stuck while I fuck you?" provoked the witch whispering against her ear.

"Merlin, yes" Astria excitedly accentuated, her neck extended for the witch to continue her exploration with small kisses and bites.

Narcissa laughed again as she held her face and squeezed her cheeks to a lovely pout. " It's a shame you were such a bad girl" she said giving her a condescending pat on one of the cheeks.

"Come on, Ciça" lamented Astria with her pleading eyes, "Pretty Please , Mummy "

"Tks Tks. Let's do it this way... Get up" commanded Narcissa pushing her away and heading to her closet in slow steps. " Turn your back and take off your clothes," she said without looking at Astria as she slid her fingers between the outfits.

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