𝐓𝐲𝐩𝐢𝐜𝐚𝐥 𝐋𝐚𝐝𝐲 𝐁𝐥𝐚𝐜𝐤

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Three days after the match, the echoing corridors were still abuzz with chatter about the overwhelming victory of the Slytherins over the Lions, and, of course, the serpents didn't miss an opportunity to flaunt their superiority as they strolled grandly through the halls, much to the chagrin of the other houses.

Everyone seemed jubilant, gleaming with a mix of pride and satisfaction. However, Astria's contentment was momentarily interrupted by Harry. He appeared different, preoccupied, and increasingly prone to irritation with each passing day.

"What's going on?" She inquired calmly as they walked together through the forest, gazing at the sea and the distant mountains.

Harry didn't respond immediately; instead, he averted his gaze to his own feet and then glanced around. "I can't communicate with Sirius. Someone attacked Hedwig, and now I'm cut off from him."

"Have you tried talking to Narcissa? She always seems to find solutions to everything," Astria suggested.

"No... to be honest, I hadn't even thought of that," Harry replied, sighing as he looked at the trees around them. "It's so strange. I have my friends, but... I've never felt so alone before."

Astria stopped, locking eyes with him and extending her hand. When Harry held it, she squeezed it gently and gave a reassuring nod. She understood the feeling perfectly. "I'm here by your side."

He smiled sadly before they continued walking, their pinky fingers intertwined.

Further ahead, she spotted a blonde figure petting one of those peculiar-looking horses. It was Luna, barefoot with her feet in the earth.

"Hello, Harry Potter. Hello, Astria Shafic," Luna greeted while still facing the creature.

"Your feet," Astria commented intrigued. "Aren't they cold?"

"A bit," Luna responded serenely. "Unfortunately, all my shoes mysteriously disappeared." She paused to whisper like a secret, "I suspect Nargles are behind it."

Harry and Astria exchanged amused glances but didn't comment, observing the horse walking a short distance away. In the sunlight, it wasn't so ugly, in fact, it seemed rather fascinating.

"What are they?" Harry asked, studying them closely.

"They're called Thestrals," Luna replied, and at that very moment, the creature unfurled wings like those of bats and emitted a surprisingly beautiful, high-pitched sound. "Actually, they're quite gentle, but people tend to avoid them because they're a bit..."

"Different," Harry concluded.

They fell into a brief silence, watching the creatures side by side. Astria understood more than she cared to admit.

Luna approached a foal, and they followed closely, curious. "So, it's true then?" Astria inquired as they got closer. "Only people who've seen death can see them?"

"That's right," Luna confirmed with a nod.

"Then... have you met someone who died?" Harry questioned.

"My mother," Luna nodded. "She was an extraordinary witch, but she liked to conduct experiments." Luna shrugged thoughtfully. "And one day, one of her spells went wrong. I was nine."

"I'm so sorry," Harry said softly.

"How did you cope?" Astria asked in a hushed tone. "With her death?"

Luna sighed, "Oh, it was rather dreadful. I still get sad about it sometimes, but I have Daddy." She opened her bag and pulled something out, tossing it to the baby Thestral. "Both of us, my dad and I, always believed in you, by the way," she said, turning to them with a sweet smile on her lips. "That you-know-who returned and that you stood against him." Luna looked at Astria and gently held one of her hands. "After what you showed us in the Room of Requirement, I could understand better. I'm sorry for what you've been through."

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