𝐒𝐰𝐞𝐞𝐭 𝐒𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐞𝐧

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The hottest day of the year was coming to an end, and silence hung over Grimmauld Place, number twelve, the former residence of the Black family. The only audible sounds were Kreacher's grumbling, hidden somewhere in the house, and the purring of Lago, Astria's cat.

Astria sat, staring at the clock. The Order of the Phoenix meeting had ended three hours and thirty-one minutes ago. They were discussing Voldemort, Harry, and her ─ but, of course, they left her out. It had been like this for a while, conspiring behind her back without giving her a single piece of information. They were doing the same with Harry. It was unfair; it was ridiculous.

But she had her own means.

Cautiously looking in all directions in the hallway, when she was sure Narcissa wouldn't return to check, Astria went to the window and opened it. It was a challenge to hang on the tree, but she was used to it. She did it every day, religiously.

She jumped to the ground with a soft thud, carrying only a broomstick, her backpack on her back, and a wand in a holster strapped to her arm, with the initials B.B, a bit worn from the clandestine training she was doing.

The night was warmer than expected, and dark clouds in the sky indicated the possibility of rain. But that didn't bother her. She held the broomstick's handle firmly and with a disillusionment charm, she flew through the night sky. The wind on her face was a welcome breeze. She would have to cross the sky of England for almost half an hour to reach her destination, but time passed too quickly.

She already recognized the street of the Dursleys. ─ 4 Privet Drive, Little Whinging; Surrey

When she landed, the disillusionment charm quickly faded. She was lucky to technically be 17 years old already, thanks to the Time-Turner, so her trace was no longer traced by the Ministry. However, the Ministry tracked the location where magic was used, not the wizard. She didn't want to get Harry into trouble.

Harry was already at the window, waiting for her with a smile. "You came earlier," he commented, extending his hand for her to enter through the window.

"The meeting ended early. I managed to shake them off. Oh, I think I heard Mundungus Apparate as soon as I arrived. He's an idiot, don't go to the park tonight." Astria smiled, giving Harry a big hug.

"You're terrible," Harry smiled, adjusting his glasses. Hedwig hooted from her perch, and Astria stood up to stroke her feathers.

"Hello, friend," she whispered, and the owl straightened up, showing her feathers. "I brought the newspaper, Harry, and... have you eaten?"

Astria took off her backpack and opened it, taking out a copy of the Daily Prophet. The headline was not pleasant:


"They're still calling us crazy?" Harry sighed, looking with disdain at the words.

"That's when they're not calling us dangerous. They're trying to discredit us, and when they get bored, they publish articles on how to polish a broomstick. Anything but the truth," Astria rolled her eyes, sitting on the windowsill.

"And the Order?" He asked, taking off his glasses and wiping them on his robes to read better.

"They're taking turns looking after you. They're trying to keep me in the dark too. The idiots forget that I'm a Legilimens." Astria smiled, showing all her teeth. "They're talking about a prophecy. They think Voldemort wants to get it, that it's a threat to him." She said, handing him a glass jar full of food.

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