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Folks, this chapter was penned whilst I was in the throes of slumber. Furthermore, it's entirely in keeping with the October spirit, if you catch my drift.


𝐉𝐮𝐥𝐲 𝟑𝟏𝐬𝐭, 𝟏𝟗𝟖𝟎

The storm outside roared with a deafening violence, its clamor echoing through the grand walls of the mansion. It was a night of lightning and thunder, a promise of relief after a scorching July day, but paradoxically, it only added to the agony of that moment.

"Strength, my dear, you need to push through," encouraged the mother, holding her hand as a overwhelming contraction elicited anguished cries. It was as if her own body was being torn apart with every effort to bring new life into the world.

"Let's go, on three, we'll be there. I can see the little head," smiled the witch, maintaining a firm grip on the young mother's hand. "Just one final effort."

She pushed with all her might, feeling trapped in a limbo of pain, until at last, the baby slid into the world. However, something seemed amiss; the child made no cries.

"What's happening?" she asked, gripped by panic, trying to rise, but her exhaustion was overwhelming, her body too weak for such an endeavor.

"It's a girl," announced her mother, cradling the baby in her arms. A deep emotion shone in her eyes, tears of joy glistening. "Hello, little curious one," she murmured, carefully adjusting the tiny bundle. "See, dear, she simply prefers to observe."

When the baby was finally within the mother's reach, a sigh of enchantment escaped her lips. The newborn was a delightful sight, tiny and divine. Her black and shining eyes held a fixed and impressive gaze, as radiant as the stars.

"Have you already chosen a name?" inquired her mother, smiling affectionately at both of them, while skillfully performing the umbilical cord cut. Then she headed to the coffee table, where a potion awaited to replenish the young mother's strength.

"We shall call her Astria," replied Dórea, her smile spreading from ear to ear as she looked at the baby. "A name that means star."

Somewhere deep within the mansion, a door burst open with a bang, causing Dórea's worried expression to resurface. Footsteps echoed up the stairs, and Minerva, already at the door, stood as a protective shield, wielding her wand firmly, prepared for any confrontation that might arise.

Four enigmatic figures emerged simultaneously, their faces concealed behind masks of ivory and silver. Yet, a warmth of recognition radiated as Dórea, amidst all uncertainties, couldn't contain her smile. "You gave us quite the fright," she whispered, her smile unwavering.

"I couldn't resist meeting my goddaughter," Bellatrix replied, rolling her eyes with her usual irreverence and approaching, driven by insatiable curiosity. Theo, momentarily frozen at the entrance, finally joined the group. Meanwhile, Rebastan and Rodolphos, despite their usual fearless demeanor, now appeared more awkward than ever, unsure of how to act.

"Sister, you look dreadful," exclaimed Rebastan, approaching and placing a gentle kiss on her forehead.

"Thank you, dear. Your kindness is always comforting," replied Dórea, smiling broadly and showing all her teeth.

"And then?" Theo asked, his voice sounding hesitant as he shifted his weight from one foot to the other.

"It's a girl!" Minerva exclaimed in jubilation, barely able to contain her joy.

"I knew it!" Bellatrix exclaimed, happy as a child, leaning in to observe the baby. "Look, she has a knee-like face, all wrinkled," she pointed, furrowing her brow in fascination.

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