𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐩𝐮𝐧𝐢𝐬𝐡𝐦𝐞𝐧𝐭

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If you all remain too hushed, I shall infer what you're employing your hands for.

The Almighty is observing.


Astria had never imagined she would find such composure in the face of expulsion threats. After Umbridge detonated one of the classroom walls with disturbing precision, she hurriedly escorted Harry and Astria to the headmaster's office.

In a matter of minutes, they reached the majestic stone gargoyle. "Fizzing Delight," chanted Umbridge, and the stone gargoyle leaped aside, splitting the wall into two halves. They ascended the stone escalator, which led them to the polished door adorned with a griffin knocker. Umbridge didn't bother knocking; she entered the office firmly, holding onto them tightly.

Inside the room, an intriguing scene unfolded. Dumbledore, with his serene countenance, stood behind an imposing desk, his long fingers delicately intertwined. Professor McGonagall, regal by his side, maintained a tense and contracted expression. On the other hand, Narcissa appeared on the verge of a nervous breakdown, while Cornelius Fudge, the Minister for Magic, swayed back and forth, wearing a smug expression.

Against the wall, Quim Shacklebolt and Percy Weasley were positioned, the latter holding a quill and a heavy scroll of parchment, apparently ready to take notes. Even the portraits of the former school headmasters observed with seriousness, fully aware of the gravity of the situation.

Umbridge radiated triumph, clutching a parchment filled with names of the D.A. "I've been watching them for weeks, and now I have proof of what I've been alleging from the outset," she declared triumphantly, turning to Dumbledore with a smug smile. "You could never deceive everyone with your strategy of instilling fear about He Who Must Not Be Named. It's now clear that your lies are just a smokescreen to attempt to seize control of the Ministry."

"Indeed," Dumbledore concurred, leaving Astria in a state of shock. But, before she could comprehend the situation...

"You orchestrated this?" exclaimed Fudge, scandalized.

"I planned it, indeed," he calmly asserted. "Tonight would have been our first meeting, just to gauge the interest of the most talented students in joining me. Now I realize it was a mistake to invite Miss Edgecombe," he added, discreetly winking at Astria.

"So, you conspired against me!" Fudge shouted, incensed.

Harry was about to protest, but Narcissa nudged him in the ribs, indicating that he should stay silent.

"Dawish, Shackbolt, take Dumbledore! Arrest him!" Fudge bellowed at the top of his lungs.

Dumbledore calmly looked at them before rising, raising his index finger. "Ah, I suspected there might be some kind of mishap," he said softly as he moved behind his desk. "You seem to erroneously assume that I... as they say, will surrender quietly. But I can assure you that's far from the truth. I have no intention of being sent to Azkaban," he concluded, smiling tranquilly.

Umbridge was on the verge of exploding with anger. Dumbledore raised his hands, and his phoenix flew towards him, bursting into flames. The impact was so strong that everyone around was thrown backward, and a strong gust of wind swept through their hair.

"Wow," exclaimed Harry, getting up in surprise after a few seconds of shock, then reached out to help Narcissa. "Are you alright, Professor?"

"Yes, dear, thank you," she replied, adjusting her robes as Harry assisted Astria. She looked around in astonishment. Umbridge seemed about to tear all her hair out, huffing and puffing like a giant toad.

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