𝐁𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐤-𝐢𝐧 𝐨𝐟 𝐆𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐨𝐭𝐭𝐬

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( This is super huge, and there's a second one for tomorrow. Love you xoxo)


"This is insanity! But I reckon it might just work," Hermione exclaimed, disbelief painted on her face.

"I confess that I'm also not a fan of the idea, but it's good," admitted Harry, with a heavy sigh.

"It's the personification of madness!" Ron stood up, pacing back and forth.

"It's simply brilliant!" Astria applauded, while Narcissa screamed at the top of her lungs, almost pulling her own hair out in despair:


They didn't pay much attention to the protests of the older witch. They were determined to invade Gringotts, despite the fear that permeated the air. They settled into the small room, kept silent by a spell from Narcissa, and began to work.

"I've visited the vault countless times. Never noticed anything out of the ordinary. I know it's one of the oldest chambers. The most traditional wizarding families keep their treasures at the deepest level, where the vaults are larger and better protected. That's why there's a dragon at the entrance. It protects four vaults." Astria explained, sketching on parchment an outline of what she remembered to be the dimensions of the vault. A pale, horned beast drawn at the entrance, spewing fire and killing all four of them.

Narcissa didn't like the artistic representation. Draco, on the other hand, found it incredibly amusing.

Harry, Astria, Ron, and Hermione remained locked in the room, which more resembled a cupboard, for hours on end. Slowly, the days turned into weeks. Narcissa and Draco were already ready for the return to Hogwarts, and it was impossible to tell who was more eager for the two to depart.

"Please, please, be careful," Narcissa pleaded, squeezing Astria tightly in a suffocating hug. "Don't you dare get hurt."

"I promise to try not to die," was Astria's only response before also giving Draco, who was reluctant to return to Hogwarts, a tight hug.

"Send my regards to Daphne and Regulus, will you?"

"You can count on me," he murmured softly, rushing back to Harry before saying goodbye and leaving the cottage. Both, the blonde mother and son, disapparated after the beach's protections.

Over the days of preparation, one problem after another arose for them to solve, of which the least was the stock of Polyjuice Potion being extremely depleted.

"In reality, we only have enough for one of us," Hermione informed, tilting the mud-colored Potion against the light.

"It will be enough," said Astria, distractedly finishing the hand-drawn map of the bank, trying to add as many details as possible.

The other inhabitants of Shell Cottage couldn't help but notice that something was going on, now that the small group of fugitives only appeared at meal times.

The conversation became tense when they discussed whether or not to ask for the help of the goblin who was at the cottage. Astria voted not to.

That toothy little creature was not trustworthy. Very snobbish, bloodthirsty, lazy, and certainly made it clear that he hated wizards. Astria had read enough of the history of magic and major events to know that Griphook was just short of having enough magic to be the next Ranrok.

A goblin who a few centuries ago became a real terror and leader of rebellion among goblins against wizards.

Astria was relieved when the creature left for one of the other houses protected by the Order in a short time. The departure was prolonged by Harry's fault, who tried to interrogate him to ensure more information about Gringotts, as Bellatrix suggested. But after so many events, the boy learned to trust Astria's intuition.

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