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Astria found herself confined within the dimly lit Black Manor in the weeks that followed. Her outings were restricted, always in the company of Narcissa and an entourage from the Order, and their excursions were limited from one residence to another ─  Largo Grimmauld Place.

She spent the majority of her days with her nose buried in books, seldom leaving the library to the point that Narcissa even left a blanket on her favorite armchair in case she nodded off while reading.

The Hogwarts letter arrived promptly, bringing great relief as it revealed that she had excelled with top scores in all her exams. It was hard to say who was more delighted, Astria herself or Narcissa, who promptly instructed Tinky to prepare a grand feast for them all.

These would have been happy and tranquil holidays if not for the cases of disappearances, strange accidents, and even deaths that were now reported nearly daily in the Prophet. At times, when Tonks and Andy came for a visit, they brought news that had not yet made its way into the newspaper. To the dismay of Narcissa, even Astria and Harry's birthday party at Grimmauld Place was disrupted by the astonishing reports delivered by Lupin.

"There have been two more Dementor attacks," he announced, when Mrs. Weasley offered him a thick slice of birthday cake. "And they found Igor Karkaroff's body in a shack in the northern part of the country. The Dark Mark loomed over the location. Frankly, I'm surprised he survived almost a year after deserting the Death Eaters. I remember Regulus lasted only a few days."

As Lupin's sentence concluded, Narcissa, sipping elven wine, choked violently. Her face turned a dark shade of red as she struggled to regain her composure.

"Are you alright, cousin?" Sirius asked, amused, taking a bite of cake.

"Who is Regulus?" Harry inquired, intrigued.

"My foolish brother," Sirius replied with a melancholic smile, "my little brother." he added with a distant look, leaving his plate on the table, seemingly without any appetite.

"Well," Mrs. Weasley said, clearing her throat, "perhaps we should change the topic..."

"Remus, did you hear what happened to Florean Fortescue?" Bill asked, as Fleur continued to pour wine.

"The guy who ran..."

"The ice cream parlor in Diagon Alley?" Harry interrupted, looking quite downcast as he too set his plate on the table. "He used to give me free ice creams. What happened to him?"

"He was taken by force, given the state the ice cream parlor was in."

"Why?" Ron inquired, and Mrs. Weasley shot a displeased look at Bill.

"Who knows? He must have annoyed some people. Florean was a good fellow."

"Speaking of Diagon Alley" Mr. Weasley chimed in, "It seems that Ollivander has disappeared."

"The wandmaker?!" Astria exclaimed, surprised.

"That's right. The shop is empty. There are no signs of a struggle. No one knows if he left willingly or was abducted."

"But what about wands? Where will people get wands?" she asked.

"They'll have to make do with other manufacturers," replied Narcissa. "But Ollivander was the best, and if the other side has taken him, it won't be good for us."

She nodded, not at all liking this idea. It seemed to her that something was amiss, but she couldn't put her finger on it.

"Well, let's change the subject!" Mrs. Weasley exclaimed, her face as red as her hair. She seemed to prefer dancing the tango with a Troll over resuming the previous topic. "Tell me, children, is this story about Astria and Harry true?" She asked with a suggestive look, gesturing from one to the other.

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