𝐅𝐫𝐚𝐜𝐭𝐮𝐫𝐞 𝐢𝐧 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐰𝐢𝐧𝐝𝐨𝐰

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Another one for you to forgive my absence.


In a lingering moment of bewilderment, Astria felt as though she were hurtling through space. Perplexity shrouded her, questioning the reality of what had transpired. Snape remained motionless, gazing at the horizon for a few moments before descending the stairs, breathless.

"Astria," Harry sighed, his eyes glazed with disbelief. In a sudden act of courage, or perhaps folly, he ran towards the stairs, leaving Astria trailing behind, uncertain of how to proceed.

None of it made sense. Dumbledore trusted Snape.

Uncertainty hung in the air.

What did the professor not want to do? Why did he kill Dumbledore? Why betray him after so many years?

"Petrificus Totalus!" Harry's shout echoed from the left, and Astria, distracted, was almost attacked by a Death Eater lurking in the shadows.

The wizard bent as if struck by something solid, falling to the ground, rigid as a wax statue. Astria, without hesitation, stepped over him and ran down the dark staircase, where Harry was already halfway down.

"Thank you."
"Repay the favor."

Skipping the last ten steps of the spiral staircase, Astria stopped where she had landed, wand in hand. The dimly lit corridor was engulfed in dust, half the ceiling had collapsed, and ahead of her unfolded an intense battle.

As she tried to distinguish who was facing whom, she heard the voice of the man she had trusted so much shout, "It's over, time to leave!" and saw Snape turn at the end of the corridor.

Death Eaters surrounded from all sides. In pursuit, a wizard stood out and advanced towards Astria and Harry: the werewolf Greyback. In the blink of an eye, she saw Harry on the ground, ready to be attacked.

"Sectumsempra!" Astria roared without thinking, with a sweeping wand motion, and the blood of the other wizard sprayed in all directions as if struck by a sword. With a tremendous effort, Harry, now covered in blood, managed to push the gurgling werewolf to the ground just as a jet of green light headed towards him.

It was an Avada Kedavra.

Astria ducked, almost getting hit by the deflection. Her feet found something soft and slippery on the floor, losing balance: two bodies lay face down in a pool of blood, but there was no time to investigate.

She mentally noted to use this spell only on those she truly hated. The werewolf still struggled on the ground, trying not to drown in his own blood.

A blonde and black mane flickered like flames in front of her. Narcissa, Minerva, Lupin, and Sirius faced Death Eaters.

"Angel, duck!" Narcissa shouted, waving her wand towards Astria, who immediately obeyed.

A burly wizard, Dolohov, was ready to attack her. The spell hit the wizard in the chest, unleashing a porcine squeal of pain as he was swept away and thrown against the opposite wall, disappearing behind a beam.

"Where were you?" shouted Narcissa, running towards her. Distracted, Astria couldn't find Harry.

"Dumbledore, Dumbledore is dead," Astria said in one breath, freezing Narcissa. Her eyes seemed lifeless, dull, and frightened.

"Dead," she repeated, as if to confirm that she had heard correctly.

At this point, almost all Death Eaters were fleeing, and many students and professors chased after them. "Ciça, come, come," said Astria, pulling Narcissa towards the corridors, stumbling over pieces of concrete that had exploded from the walls.

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