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The darkness enveloped everything, a chilly night in which the mist hung in the air. Astria had her little hands placed on the doorstep, watching the creature moving slowly in front of her. It was a magnificent snake, its yellow eyes gleaming in the twilight.

The snake was talking to her, whispering things in her direction. It was getting closer and closer, but then everything changed. The darkness of the night gave way to a radiant sun outside. Astria was no longer a child; it was herself, and a little blonde girl ran past her.

Curious, Astria followed the girl. The sound of her laughter echoed, warming her heart as she saw the little blonde girl so happy. As she approached, she came across a huge house with gigantic gates. The little girl entered through the door, and when Astria caught up to her, she was leaning against the wall, eyes closed as she counted.

"8, 9, 10, 11, 12..." The counting continued up to the number 30. "Ready or not, here I come!" The little girl shouted and ran through the corridors, where portraits of stern faces watched her attentively.
Pausing briefly in one of the hallways, the little girl closed her eyes, a broad smile appearing on her face. She ran determinedly to a curtain and pulled it forcefully.

"I got you, Bella!"

"Cissy!" sighed a taller girl with voluminous curls. "For the thousandth time, Cissy, it's not fair to use Legilimency when we play hide and seek! Using your powers is cheating!" She crossed her arms in annoyance.

"It's also not fair to make me count every time, Bella," the little blonde retorted, a pout on her lips.

The two began to argue, until a third girl emerged from hiding. Her light brown hair was softer than the taller girl's, as were her eyes. Apart from these differences, the two were very similar.

"Come on, stop arguing. There's no need," she argued, breaking up the dispute.

"Oh, Andy, but she's a cheater!" the brunette protested.

"Not at all, Bella. It's not like Cissy can stop hearing thoughts. Maybe you should learn to muffle yours," she defended, pointing a finger.

The three resumed arguing until a tall, blonde woman descended the stairs, looking irritated, and began yelling at all of them.

"What did I say about making so much noise? I've told you I don't want to hear your voices! This isn't ladylike behavior," she hissed at the three little girls, who immediately shrunk in fear. "I expected better from you, Bellatrix! You're the oldest! Set an example for the younger ones."

"Sorry, Mother. I was the one who yelled, I shouldn't have-" the little blonde girl began to speak, but the woman seemed irritated by the interruption. She raised her wand-hand toward the girl.


However, the brown-haired girl intervened, stepping in front to protect the younger ones. The dark-haired girl also stepped in, taking the spell to shield the others.

Astria watched in horror. She didn't know what that spell was, but the scream echoed off the walls. The older girl was clearly in pain, while the brown-haired girl comforted the youngest to prevent her from being punished as well.

Astria felt the urge to go to them, but a loud thud brought her back to reality.

She sat up abruptly. It was just a dream - or perhaps memories? Everything was so confusing. This was the thirteenth of these dreams since she had returned to the orphanage.

Madame Beaufort's shouting at the door made her get up. Did she really have to knock that forcefully?

The door creaked open, and Astria responded, slightly annoyed, "Yes, ma'am?" Raising her gaze to meet the enraged figure of Madame Beaufort.

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