You Look Like You Love Me

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Selena walked into her trailer to shoot the next season for her hit show. Only Murderers in the Building. She sat on the chair and Natasha the make up artist began doing her make up for the shoot. Raquelle and Ashley walked in with the schedule for the day. "Today's the day Emma Thompson arrives on set" Raquelle said excitedly "I know I'm so excited to meet her. She's acting royalty. Honestly I'm so nervous aswell, I've met her in passing at the Emmys and that but not properly" she said. There was then a knock at the door "ten minutes" the producers assistant Jessica said. Selena smiled and nodded.

They walked down to the set, she saw Meryl and Martin speaking to Emma. Meryl smiled at the girls and waved them over "girls come meet Emma" she smiled and enthusiastically waved her hand to them. They all nervously walked over. "Emma this is Selena Gomez our star and these are her best friends Raquelle and Ashley" she said "hi it's so nice to meet you girls. I'm so excited to be on set today" she smiled. "Oh by the way Meryl, I told Jay to swing by if it over runs he's taking me out for lunch today, is that okay" she said "of course it is. Oh I haven't seen him in years" she smiled "Jay is Emma's youngest boy" Meryl informed the girls. They nodded. The producer then called them over to set to start filming.

A few hours later.

Raquelle saw a tall, curly haired man walk onto the set. She walked over "hey I'm sorry this is a closed set" he said "wow Warner brothers really downgraded on security huh" he quipped putting his phone in his pocket. He crookedly smiled "look as I said its a closed set, can you please leave" she said. He smiled at her and nodded "I'm good thanks. I'll wait here" he said leaning against the door. Raquelle scowled at him "then I'm gonna have to get security" she said "okay then do it. But before you go stay here for 3 2 1" he said looking past her "Hi my darling boy" Emma said hugging Jay. "Hi mum" he said and smirked at Raquelle. Emma saw the way Jay looked at Raquelle "James I hope you've been nothing but polite to this lovely girl" she said. She rolled her eyes "yeah we're getting on swimmingly? " he said. "yeah let me just go and say goodbye to everyone" Emma smiled. He looked at her, Raquelle looked at him and huffed "I'm sorry I didn't know. You look nothing like your mom so I assumed you were just a stranger off the street. You weren't wearing a lanyard or anything" she said "tends to happen when you're adopted....and the lanyard" he said getting it out of his pocket. "But I'll forgive you if you let me take you out" he said "how many girls does that line work on" she asked "why you interested?" he asked "unbelievable" she said and walked away. He smiled at her walking away.
Six months later.

Jay walked into a coffee shop, he had an early training session but he needed caffeine. He then bumped into someone "oh shit sorry" he said. He looked and saw the pretty blonde girl "hi" he said. She rolled her eyes "oh great" she said and began to walk away and out the door "wait. Wait up please" he said, she turned on her heel to him and folded her arms, she glared at him "I'm sorry. When we first met I was having a really shit day it doesn't excuse my arrogant behaviour. I meant it when I asked you out for a drink. I also was trying to impress you and I went completely the wrong way about it. I'm sorry" he said. "Thanks. Is that all? " she asked. He nodded, feeling a bit rejected. She turned around, she felt bad. He was cute and he was trying to be a better person "meet me at Bar 91 tonight at 8pm and you can buy me a drink to show how sorry you are" she said. He smiled "Yes! yeah okay. I'll see you later" he said.

Jay walked into bar 91, he bought a beer and went too sit down. He waited for half an hour, until he saw the pretty blonde walk through the door. She was wearing a tight fit black dress and heels. He smiled and waved, she walked over and he pulled out her chair. "What drink can I get you?" he asked "Gin and lemonade would be great" she smiled. He nodded and went to he bar. He walked back with her drink and gave it too her. She smiled and thanked him. "Oh so you can smile" he joked. She glared at him "sorry I couldn't help it" he said.

His phone then began to ring. "Sorry I got to take this, it's work" he said "yeah no problem" she said "hello....tell Joel that he's either at training tomorrow or he's off the roster. He needs to get his arse in gear we have a tournament coming up in two weeks. Alright talk later bye" he said and hung up. "Sorry about that" he said "what do you do?" she asked "I'm head coach for LA Rugby. I used to play. I had just been dropped from the Scotland national team and my contract was up. So I had nowhere to go....turning 35 in sport you get an expiration date" he said. She nodded "but it doesn't excuse the way I spoke to you or acted. My parents have raised me better than that" he said. She smiled "I appreciate that. Don't worry about it everyone has bad days" she smiled. "So what is rugby?" she asked. He smiled and explained it to her. The pair spoke all night until the bar closed.

They walked down the street in L.A, Raquelle held onto Jays arm. The pair spent the night talking and falling in love with one another. After that night they didn't leave each others side.

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