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"She motivates me keep going and that karma is real."



"It's not necessary, I will take the couch, you sleep on the bed." Jungkook said putting his blanket down.

He was behaving like a gentleman but jimin was already right at his place. A person like jungkook, who lives in such a big house... It was difficult for him to sleep on the couch.

"Listen, I am really comfortable. I can sleep on the couch. I am used to it. You will get uncomfortable with that height anyway." The omega said with a polite smile on his face.

Jimin was about to touch jungkook's hand to make him side but jungkook's stopped him from touching him. He literally pushed jimin which made jimin land on ground.

Jimin looked up at jungkook in anger. Jungkook had clearly destroyed the good intentions of jimin's. Jimin wanted to make some understanding between them.

But jungkook didn't even want jimin to touch him.

"Have you lost your mind? I am trying to sleep on couch for you and what the fuck you doing? Jimin asked standing up in anger.

Jungkook looked down and cleaned the hand with which he had touched jimin.

"Listen to one thing carefully! This everything is happening just because of yours mistake! Don't you think it's late for you to act this caring and all?" Jungkook asked in anger.

"I get it I made a mistake and gave you drugs but I didn't said you to push me like this! You could have told me I wouldn't even touch you! Why did you push me? I am hurt here." Jimin yelled back in anger. He was scared while telling this all but that didn't made him stop standing up for himself.

Jungkook was still in disbelief thinking how can an omega behave like this? Which was making him more mad at omega. He pointed at the door and said,

"Get the fuck out of this room right now!"

Jimin froze at his place. But his surprise face suddenly changed into anger. He jumped on jungkook without thinking any further.

"Yaaaah!" Jungkook yelled.

"T-... there is a mouse at corner. I am so scared of mouse." Jimin said in scared voice and smiled when jungkook was not looking.

Since jungkook don't like me I have good opportunity to annoy the hell out of him! Jimin thought.

Jungkook was feeling strange thing when jimin's soft body was in contact with him so closely. His body was vibrating, he tried to put jimin down.

"Leave me will you?" Jungkook said annoyed. He put both his hands on jimins waist and tried to push him away. It only made jimin to hug him more tightly, which made jungkook's body warm up so badly that if there was fire inside him.

Jimin was also Frozen now, he had a good height but not that tall as jungkook. Jimin's body was so flexible and soft to touch.

Jimin had holded jungkook with his biceps for support.

'Drugs effect should have ended until now.' Jungkook thought when he stared to getting same feelings of last night.

"I am not leaving you until that mouse leaves!" Jimin said hugging jungkook tightly.

Jimin felt jungkook's hand moving to his waist softly and slowly. He gulped in thought of what could happen next.

Jungkook slowly gripped jimin's waist and thrown him on the ground but jimin pulled jungkook with his shorts coller along with him.

Now both of them lying on the floor.

Jungkook opened his eyes groaning in pain only to see jimin's plum lips just inches away from him. He felt like his throat is getting dry and he gulped.

Jimin had still his eyes closed with the pain even when he landed on jungkook's body his chest hurted a bit. Cause jungkook had pushed him from there.

Jimin got up without saying anything and sit there holding his chest, tears falling down his eyes now.

Jungkook was getting up that's when he noticed jimin. Jungkook's heart pained a little bit when he saw how jimin's shoulder were shivering with pain.

Jungkook stared to scold himself internally for what he did. Jimin is just 20 years omega afterall.... Who have to live in forceful marriage. It was both of their mistake so how is it fair to only blame jimin for it?

Jungkook just stood there as he didn't know how to comfort someone.

"Sorry, it wasn't your mistake this time. It's just I got emotional. Actually I am also like you, I am not used to have omega around me like this."he tried to explain himself.

"I didn't pushed you cause I hate you or something like that. Actually I have a disease due to which I can't touch any omega."he continues.

Jimin didn't expected this explanation at all. He looked up with his teary eyes now filled with shock.

Jungkook thought now that they have to live together jimin should know about his disease. He left a deep breath and continued,

"I don't have any problems with alpha's but wherever I get near to any omega I feel weird. It's not that I can't touch them, my body gets rashes, vomiting and allergy that we have to call the doctor every time. That's why I was maintaining distance with you."

Jimin couldn't understand for a moment. After a deep pause he asked with pout,

"Does diseases like this really exist? Or is it a mental disorder?"

No one can say he have this disease after looking at his physical stature. But jungkook wat used to it now. He have made countless docters for the cure. But no one except his family new this.

"You can't tell this anyone jimin. You have to keep it secret. I just told you this cause we have to live together." Jungkook warned.

"My family wanted me to marry you,because they think that you can cure my disease because nothing happened that night. That's why I needed to marry you." He continues.

'So this is the reason? I feel bad for him, it was only effect of drugs.' Jimin thought.

"Ofcourse I won't tell anyone. It's not your fault jungkook. I am sorry I touched you. I promise I won't touch you again." Jimin said quietly.

"Let's sleep then." Jungkook said.

"I will take the couch." Jimin said immediately but jungkook covered the distance in two steps and threw his body on the couch without saying anything.


Comments girls!

Next update: tomorrow 👀

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