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It was morning already and jimin still didn't receive any help. It's not like he called anyone other than jungkook.

He was feeling weak as he hadn't eaten anything from the last morning. Also the people in the jail were creeping him out as he was only one well dressed there.

He chose one corner to sit to be safe from everyone and he didn't know when he fell asleep. A small touch on his hand wakes him up from sleep.

"Look what we got here today.... What beauty like you doing here?"

"P-... Please don't touch." Jimin mumbled and slided away slightly from the creepy alpha.

"Oh don't worry, I was just talking." The weird alpha said coming near jimin again with creepy smile.

"H-... HELP!" jimin yelled but every officer was sleeping and no one heard him.

"Tsk tsk... Why every beautiful one play hard to get?" The man said coming near jimin completely trapping the omega against wall.

"L-... Listen stay away otherwise you will get hurt!" Jimin warned but the man underestimated thinking what can an small omega even do.

He grabbed both of jimin's hand harshly but his eyes got big and face got red when a kick landed on his private area.

"YOU FUCKER!" jimin yelled grabbing the man's hairs in his both hands making him fall on the ground.

Jimin trapped the man between his legs and started to slap the man on both checks alternatively. The alpha couldn't do anything but take the hits as jimin rubbed his hands filled with soil on his eyes.

"S-.... Sorry..." The man tried to say but jimin continued his slapping using all his force.

It would look cute scene where mom was patting baby on her lap if you ignored the aggressive slapping part.

"Remeber this every time you even think about touching any omega bitch!" Jimin yelled slapping with more force.

"HELP HELPPPPP! THIS CRAZY OMEGA WILL KILL ME!" the alpha yelled looking dying horse which woke up the officer and they immediately took jimin out of the jail.

"YAAAAAH! you want increase in your jail days huh? Creating Mess on first day!" The officer yelled without giving jimin chance to explain himself.

"Why are you blaming me? He tried to-...." Jimin tried to explain himself but the officer stopped him.

"Shut up! Just because you got your name attached to a big celebrity you think everyone is under your palm don't you?" The officer asked.

"But I am not powerless like others I will teach lessons to bitch sl-...."

"Dare to complete that sentence if you don't want your job!" A deep voice said behind jimin and he turned around to see jungkook standing at the entrance.

"Jungkook?" Jimin mumbled but the alpha was not looking at him.

"M-.... Mr Jeon?" The words left from the officer's mouth and his grip on Jimin's hand got loosened up.

Jungkook didn't say anything and snatched jimin's hand which was previously held by the officer.

"I-.... I am sorry sir, I didn't know this omega was related to you. I-...."

"Spare me your useless voice and tell me who investigated this case?" Jungkook asked , the anger clearly visible on his face. Even jungkook's manager was scared thinking about what the alpha will do with whoever is responsible for this.

"Sir we will close it immediately and-...."

"This is the last chance you get if you don't want this branch to close by tomorrow morning!" Jungkook said without change in his tone making everyone gasp in fear.

"J-... Jungkook...."jimin mumbled and held jungkook's hand but the alpha didn't paid him attention. But that made him look at jimin's hand which was bruised due to the harsh hold of that officer.

"It's me sir I am sorry."the same officer said his head was low.

Jungkook leaned forward so that only the officer will what he was saying.

"You want your job right?" Jungkook said in low voice and the officer gulped before nodding his head in yes.

"Take me to one private room." Jungkook said and the officer took him to their inner room where only officials were allowed.

Jimin didn't realised what's happening but followed jungkook when he signalled him to.

"Closer the door." Jungkook said when three of them entered in the room.

Jungkook took sit in the chair and looked up at the officer who was trembling in fear.

"So what did he do?" Jungkook asked.

"He was caught with drugs and also beaten up the prison-...."

"Not you! Jimin you tell me what did he do?" Jungkook asked looking at the omega.

"I swear jungkook I was gone there because Jin had told me to and about the prisoner he tried to force himself on me-...."

"Being the prisoner here."  Jungkook told to officer and within next minute three persons were standing in front of alpha.

"Here is how it goes jimin." Jungkook said.


"You slap that officer till I am satisfied and his lips start to bleed, then only his job will be saved." Jungkook said taking out his phone not paying attention.

"Sir-.... Sir please hit me. Look you have to aim this angle to make it bruise okay?" The officer told to jimin who was looking at him in shock.

"Huh?" Jimin said in shock.

"Please sir please.... Hit me I can't loose this job." The officer said literally begging to the omega on his knees.

"Jungkook I -..."

"You are running out of time jimin.... You have to do it in 15 minutes." Jungkook said in lazy voice like the omega was making some kind of Maggie.

Jimin couldn't help but back away when the officer held his knees in request.

But what cause him yelp in fear was when the officer just stared to hit himself.

"Wow this is also good option." Jungkook said smirking.

The man who had tried to force himself on jimin also started to hit himself and jungkook couldn't help but laugh at him.

After complete 20 minutes of non stop hitting jungkook stopped it when jimin literally begged him. The police officers both cheeks were bleeding and the man was also not on different condition.

"You should thank my omega for being this soft hearted you know! It would have been more ugly if it was only me!" Jungkook said going near the officer and fixing his coller.

"So you just got your periods and decided to hit yourself right officer? "Jungkook said with sigh.

"Huh?" The officer asked in shock but nodes in yes immediately when jungkook raised his eyebrows.

"Jeon can't take blame on their reputation you know?" Jungkook said with a sweet smile.

"I-... I can also go right?" The man from prison asked with fear and that's when jungkook looked at him.

Jungkook didn't said anything to him and took out his phone to call.

Within minutes two big bodyguards of jungkook entered and started to drag the man from prison out.

"B-... But I also hit myself! "The man yelled.

"Tsk tsk... When did I told you to do it? You have your punishment waiting in my basement." Jungkook said with smirk.

His smile didn't last forever as jimin collapsed in his arms right in the next second.


I was going to skip today but just yesterday I had made resolution🧍🏻‍♀️ So enjoy....

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