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A kind information about charcters:

Jeon has three brothers: (order according to age)

Jimin has a step sister named Jennie.

Imp please read:

He has one helping hand in the company which I said jia until now but due to change in characters it will be Jin(omega) from now on. ....(IMP)


The days passed and within two months jimin's shoot had ended. Now only promotions were going on in which jimin had to go on interviews with taehyung.

Which obviously led to their shippers getting more and more loud on social media.

It was closing party of the drama today and everyone was enjoying themselves. For the first time tae left jimin alone.

Jin was also enjoying himself with the drinks as he was happy that jimin getting fame which would indirectly benefit him also.

But suddenly the party was stopped and everyone started running here and there fastly.

"Jiminie... My little baby do you know how much hyungie love you?" Jin asked when jimin was trying to drag him to exit.

"Hyung for fuck sake keep quite."


"I DON'T KNOW!!" jimin yelled back at the omega.

"Jimin can I ask you something?" Jin asked giggling to himself.


"Knock knock!"

"Hyung please...."

"Knock knock jimin!"

"Who's there?"

"Cow says."

"Cow says,who?" Jimin asked rolling his eyes.

"No cow says mhooooo." Jin yelled and jimin can't help but laugh at the voice.

Suddenly someone pushed them which made jimin fall on ground. When he got up Jin was nowhere to be found.

"Hyunggggg, where did he go aiiish!" Jimin yelled looking for Jin everywhere but he was just getting pushed to exit.

Suddenly someone grabbed his hand and he looked at the direction.


"What are you doing in croud, the president is here we need to evacuate the place immediately let's go." Tae said dragging the omega to exit .

Now that jimin looked clearly he saw how some bodyguards were dragging everyone out.

"You mean Jeon namjoon?" Jimin asked and tae just nodded in yes .

"But Jin-...."

"He will also find his way back don't worry."tae said once they reach the exit. The driver was waiting for jimin with the door of car open.

Jimin looked back worried for his friend but the siren was getting too loud so he took his sit in the car.

Hyung why aren't you picking up? President namjoon is there, don't do anything stupid and leave the place please.

He messaged and keep trying to call the elder but it was of no use.

When jimin got home he started to look for jungkook.

"Jungkook what is your relation with the president sir?" Jimin asked when he saw the alpha sitting on couch.

"Like every brother should have why?"

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