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"You need to compensate for disturbing my sleep in middle of the night!" Jieun said to her brother who was walking behind her still in disbelief that his omega made him stay on road for almost whole night if it wasn't for his sister.

He did heard omega make their alpha sleep on couch and all when they are angry but kicking out of their own house was some next level for him.

"Whatever! What do you need you own almost half of Jeon enterprises." Jungkook said still lost in his thought.

"You don't know i still might need something that only you can give." Jieun turned around looking at the alpha making them stop in middle of living room. Jungkook noticed his sulky omega sitting on dining table his back facing him.

"Shhhhh he don't know i snicked out and saved your ass from sleeping on road." Jieun said while putting her forefinger on her lips. Jungkook just rolled his eyes at it.

"What is the thing  that only i can give you?" Jungkook asked his eyes still on the omega who was hugging his knees on chair looking at probably knife racket on kitchen table.

"Sleeping with my husband tonight." Jieun said with straight face which almost made jungkook choke on air.

"Why the fuck i will fucking sleep with that fucker-...."

"Shhh don't curse! If you don't want that you have to sleep with him." Jieun pointed her finger at the omega sitting on dining table who had knife in his hand and was rolling his finger over the sharp edge carefully.

Jungkook  just gulped and looked back at his sister who was already ready with next line.

"And i will have no choice but sleep with him... do you really want your sister to sleep with the alpha who made her miserable on her own wedding day?" She asked putting on the most innocent face she can. Jungkook saw how that husband of her was busy in meeting not caring for his wife.

"Okay okay but i am taking bed! Tell him to sleep on couch."

"You see hyung.... There are many guest rooms in this house but his parents locked them all thinking we might sleep separately at night. And that included removing asked couches from both rooms. Since you were staying tonight they opened one room for you and Jimin." Jieun said with nervous laugh and now everything made sense to jungkook.

"Whatever!" Jungkook said and gone to the said room he had to share with the last person he want to be with.

"You can come he is gone." Jieun said and Jimin got up from his sit to go near his sister in law.

"Thanks.... I didn't wanted to share room with him after all that happened."

"Hmmm i can clearly see you also didn't wanted him to sleep out and woke me up in middle of night. Why didn't you opened the door if you care about him that much?" Jieun asked with straight face but she was clearly failing as she was just pressing her lips in thin line to control her laugh in front of omega.

"Ugh whatever! Let's go and sleep." Jimin said and almost run away from her into the room.

"Both even use same word to avoid conversation." Jieun said to herself shaking her head with soft smile and followed Jimin in the room.


"I slept here first! Who gave you right to sleep here?"

"This is my fucking house jungkook! And also i kept pillow there clearly meant i was going to sleep there!"

"Oh really? I don't see your name written here, so fuck off! It's my side now."

"Yaaahhhh i can't sleep on left side! Get up with you?" Suk yelled pulling jungkook with his hands but the alphac didn't even bulged and started fake snoring.

"Duck you!" Suk yelled again and throw himself on jungkook hugging him tightly like some fangirl.

"Get off my you fucker!" Jungkook yelled getting up and suk just smirked as his plan worked. He knew that jungkook never like physical affection from his childhood. He just looked at alpha while whisteling with his hands behind him head.

Jungkook got out of room and suk smirked in victory and closed his eyes. But soon he yelped getting up when he saw Jungkook pouring water on need.

"If i don't get a thing, no one get it!" Jungkook said with victory throwing empty glass in bed.

"I will kill you!" Suk said throwing a punch on Jungkook but he was already ready with pillow to protect himself.

After 15 minutes of fight the room looked like there have been storm in there. All the white cotton in pillow and bed had flowing in air and on ground. Both alpha's hair were mess with white cotton in them. Jungkook had bleeding nose and suk had bleeding nose, mouth, ear, forehead. You can say Jungkook used to chance best to get his revenge for his sister.

"This was supposed to be first night wedding bed...." Suk whispered looking around.

"Well that gives you reason, just say you were quite wild." He said trying to give best reason he can.

"I didn't wanted to hurt her you know..... trust me i can't explain everything right now but i had my reasons." Suk said finally touching the subject and jungkook's smile disappeared.

They both were friends from childhood so jungkook knew he can trust the alpha. That was the only reason he wasn't dead until now.

"I do. But if i saw one tear from her eyes because of you, trust me you will regret to be born! I will not give duck to this friendship we have!" Jungkook said warning the alphac who just nodded in yes and they both decided to sleep on ground over a spare mattress they had in the room.


"Is something bothering you Jimin?" Jieun asked to the omega who was turning from this side to that from half hour unable to sleep. Jimin turned around to face the omega with tears in his eyes.

"Hey what happened?"



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