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"She is pregnant jungkook.... The baby didn't do anything." Jimin said to the alpha who was tapping his finger angrily on his study table.

Jimin called doctor when he saw bleeding hand is lisa and jungkook just left the scene trying hard to control his anger.

"God knows who's baby I have to handle for next three months I swear-...."

"It's okay jungkook." Jimin said in calm voice.

"What is okay?"

Jimin took a sit beside alpha before saying his next words carefully.

"Look I know you wanted to keep this all private and I totally accept if you planned baby with her. I will get out of the way soon, you can live with her and-....." Before jimin can finish his sentence jungkook yanked his towards him making him fall on his lap.

"What the-...." Jungkook kissed him before he can protest anymore.

After good minutes of kissing they pulled away jimin's face red with blush.

"Look in my eyes jimin." Jungkook said but jimin couldn't meet the dense eyes of the alpha even if he tries to.

Jungkook put his forefinger and thumb under jimin's chin making him look up.

"Are my eyes really that dead that you can't see my-.... Forget it! From now on every time you say anything about Lisa and my relationship you have to compensate it with kiss." Jungkook said with dead face.

"I-... What? Why would I do that?" Jimin asked offended and trying to get away from alpha's hold. But jungkook pulled him towards himself with more force making him sit more close now.

"Because you mentioning that angers the hell out of me jimin! Someone gotta pay price for that." Jungkook said staring at jimin eyes again from his lips.

"But you love her jungkook, I understand you wanted to pup with her and might send man to sperm bank.... You remember we were friends right? You don't need to hide anything-... Urgmmm" jungkook kissed him again despite jimin's bare struggle to get away.

"Told you." Jungkook said after pulling back.

"How can you kiss me after doing that to Lisa-....." Jungkook kissed him again.

"YAAAAH!" jimin yelled cheeks red with all the blush they had.

"Get ready to go for shopping for tomorrow's wedding." Jungkook said finally letting the omega go from his strong hold.

"But Lisa-...."

"She is just a mare omega using my family against me for random child God knows who's! Got it jimin? How many fucking times I need to tell this huh?" Jungkook finally snapped in anger when he had enough of omega's stupid behaviour.

But he regretted it next second when he saw tears gathering in jimin's eyes.

"Jimin I -...." He tried to explain himself not jimin was already out of room closing it harshly on his way back.

Jungkook followed him out but was stopped by Lisa .

"Kookie ...... Can we talk?" She said in sweet voice.

"No." Jungkook didn't even bothered to look at her going ahead.

"It's about jimin."she said and jungkook stopped in his tracks.


"Here look at this." Lisa said giving a envelope to the alpha.

Jungkook opened it and there were photo's of jimin and taehyung from taehyung's birthday. It looked like tae was helping jimin with something on his face.

In other they were laughing at something... Well only jimin was laughing tae was looking at him with eyes filled with love.

"Don't you think there must be a reason why jimin avoiding you? Forcing you to accept our baby and give him divorce? He loves taehyung." Lisa said putting her hand on jungkook's bicep to get close to him.

Jungkook immediately yanked it off but his poker face made it confirm for lisa that get words were working.

"I know your heart must be broke while looking at this but maybe you didn't mean for each other from the start  Jungkook-....."

"Can you do me a favor Lisa?"

"Ofcourse yes. I will do anything for you in Jungkook."

"Convience taehyung to come here to live with us, I want to see it with my own eyes what thing they have."

"O-... Okay well that might work. Done I will call him right now."

"One more thing Lisa."


"Don't talk to me, don't look at me, hell dare to breathe in my direction next time and I will make it your last day here. Trust me I will leave the company and house rather than making Jimin feel worthless or second omega in this house."

"But jungkook I just said he love-....."

"I don't need your or anyone else's advice in my relationship Lisa."he said going to his omega.

Lisa looked at jungkook's back with tears in her eyes. Her hands folding the photos in her hand angrily.

"Just few days jimin, once tae come here I will make sure jungkook get it in his head how much you love his brother."she said wiping her tears.


Jungkook entered in the room but jimin was nowhere to be seen. He got confused as jimin had entered in room earlier and didn't left.

He was about to go back but the door of washroom door opened revealing jimin in must beautiful black silk shirt with skinny skin coloured jeans.

"Are you going somewhere?" Jungkook asked.

"We are going."


"Shopping..... Didn't you said you want to shop for marriage tomorrow?" Jimin asked with straight face.

'Is he gonna do the angry shopping like last time spending millions on toilet sit?' jungkook asked to himself but nodded his head in yes to the omega anyway.


"Hey dear brother..... Why you want to annoy me with your shitty existence?" Taehyung asked on phone to jungkook who was busy holding almost 20 bags of cloth.

Yes he got call from bank this time also thinking it must be fraud to which jungkook replied "it's just me angry omega don't worry."

"I am afraid Lisa might harm jimin when I am not home, I need you to protect him."

"Hmmm sounds tempting, what will I get in return though?"

"The island in North your wanted."



Okay I updated this fast to share playlist.... Steam for jimin you all otherwise oily London will come in your dream to marry you.

I shared the playlist link in my comment box.... Put it on Spotify even if you are not listening.

He deserves that #1 after the fraud hybe did to him.

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