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"Hi, you guys sit and talk I will go inside." Jimin said with polite smile in his face.

Lisa suddenly got up. She said while glaring at jimin.

"Why are you running away from me? We have to meet one day anyway."she said.

"What?" Jimin couldn't say anything but he saw anger in Lisa's eyes.

"Jungkook told me that he was forced in this marriage. But I didn't understand what black magic you have gone to get approval of Jeon family?" Lisa asked and continued without letting him say anything.

"Whatever it is, I want to clear few things. I am with jungkook from long time. We love each other from our childhood and happy with each other. These black magic of your can't seperate us. I hope you know your place and jungkook is out of your reach!" She said with scoff.

The good image jimin had for Lisa has been destroyed within few seconds. He started to laugh at the omega standing in front of him.

"You said you trust jungkook then why you need to tell me all of these things? But don't worry Lisa, I also didn't wanted to marry that rude alpha. I won't come in between you." He said raising his eyebrows.

"Yes I have trust on him but I can't ignore the fact that he is dead handsome alpha. Many omegas are crazy after him, neither you are first nor last. But he only loves me and if I got to know you have done anything to him I will not leave you!" Lisa threatened.

"Don't think he will be yours just because you have got married with him. I will make him leave you and stay with me with just one request. How the fuck are you his omega when he loved me? "she continues as jimin didn't replied anything due to shock.

Lisa was talking in anger but jimin can see the pain and frustration in her eyes. He didn't liked Lisa at all but he was feeling bad for her.... maybe pity. That's the course of rich families maybe, that they can't marry their loved ones.

But why Lisa lashing on me instead of fighting jungkook for his decisions? I didn't knew things are this complicated. Jimin thought.

"Ofcourse I will be happy if he lives with you, go ahead and tell him please." Jimin said without thinking anything.

Lisa didn't said anything and left from there in anger.


That night when jungkook got home there was on drop silence.

"Where is jimin?" He asked to one of the maid.

"He is in bedroom sir." She replied .

Jungkook opened the door without thinking much and his eyes landed on jimins bare ass. He was changing cloths.

"YAAAH JUNGKOOK! " jimin yelled trying to pick up his cloths and bending in process giving view to jungkook.

But it was just for milliseconds, jimin immediately put cloths hiding his private parts.

"Don't you have manners is knocking before enter?" Jimin asked in anger.

Jungkook started down at milky white skin of jimin's body, his heartbeat increased to is Max. He took a deep breath and said,

"I think it's my bedroom."

"I understand it's your home but did you forgot you got married also? Until we get divorce I have equal right on this house, in clear words this is my bedroom also!" Jimin said and jungkook shook his head in no.

"I guess it's you who have forgotten we got married. You don't even need to hide yourself like this when I am your husband."Jungkook replied with smirk which made jimin follow his gaze and he noticed how he is still covering his naked body.

He turned around and started to wear his cloths as fast as he can. Jungkook entered more in room like nothing happened, he took one folder from cupboard and left the room.

Jimin looked at his back figure and thought,

'What is he doing here? Lisa said she wouldn't let him come here?'

Jimin got out once he made sure his clothes were good enough to go. He saw jungkook sitting on a small couch in front of the bedroom area. He was reading that file.

Jimin wanted to say things but he was scared of Jungkook to snap at him again so he just decided to leave peacefully.

"You want something?" Jungkook's voice stopped him in his tracks and he looked back.

"So you knew I was here? I thought you were so busy that you didn't notice."jimin said with pout.

"I can notice your presence by your smell itself jimin."jungkook said putting his chin on his hands looking up at the omega now. Jimin's face got warm with blush.

"What happened? Why is your face so red? Are you sick?"jungkook asked.

"Nnn-... NO! You are sick! You are mad No my face is not red! Not even a bit!"jimin blabbered not understanding what he was saying anymore. He was feeling like getting all his feelings exposed and jungkook was taking full advantage of it.

"You didn't answer my question. Do you want something?" Jungkook asked with a smile.

"Nothing important.... I just-... I just wanted to ask why you came home?"he asked with hesitation.

"Why? Can't I come here?" Jungkook asked pushing his eyebrows together.

'Did Lisa not tell him that she didn't like him staying here?' Jimin thought.

"I mean you don't need to come here and live with me if you don't want to. There are many people who live apart even after marriage."jimin said trying to push jungkook to his happiness.

"And why is that?" Jungkook asked again.

"I just think Lisa doesn't like you living here with me."jimin mumbled but jungkook heard it.

"I think we have talked about this before. This is my house, where should I live if but here?" Jungkook asked with raised eyebrows.

'He is right.... This is his house also. I don't have any right to make him go.' Jimin thought.

"Okay if that's the problem I will live somewhere else." Jimin said face lightening up like he found solution to biggest problem.

Jungkook's face got pale for a second. He didn't knew how to reply this. He stared to look at the file avoiding eyes contact with jimin.

"My family will get doubt if you do that, and once they find out they will make us live together with them in Jeon mansion. Don't you think it will be more difficult?" He said without looking at the omega.

"I am saying this all cause I am worried if you're girlfriend will get angry. She will obviously feel bad if you spend all time with me." Jimin said.

"ENOUGH!" jungkook suddenly yelled and got up with his file. He got near jimin and said,

"You just focus on being a perfect omega of mine. There is no need to focus on my relationship with other omega!" He left with that.


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