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Next day they were going back to their home after greeting everyone.

"Is there any problem?" Jungkook asked looking at the omega sitting on side sit off driver. He was driving car today.

"You family is so big hearted, the have given me these many gifts."jimin said pointing at the red pockets in his hands.

"As an omega is Jeon family it's nothing than what you are capable of getting."jungkook replied.

"So all these property papers are mine?" Jimin said as three pocket contained one apartment and two lands which were on Jimin's name now.

As a gift.


"These are very expensive, how can I take them?"

"They were reserved for my omega so take it." Jungkook said and jimin smiled looking at the pockets greedily.

"Well atleast I got some benefit from dealing with your rude behaviour." Jimin said.

"Thirsty for money!" Just mumbled but jimin heard it.

"That I am! People get married for only two reasons love and money. We don't have first thing so obviously it's second." Jimin shrugged with beautiful smile.

Jungkook was lost in it. He kept looking at the omega until his eyes disappeared when he smiled to his fullest.

Suddenly his phone started ringing and it was Lisa when he noticed.

"What happened?" Jungkook asked picking up the phone and other hand on staring wheel.

"Jungkook it's my birthday you know right? We are going on that hotel I booked."Lisa said it more like order.

"Yeah I will get there. Send me address."Jungkook replied and cut the call without answering any further.

He shifted to put the phone in his pocket but the staring wheel got turned in wrong way and they were already crossing corner. Which made their car collapse into accident.


When people outside come to see inside the car which was releasing smoke due to accident they saw two people's with omega on top of alpha at drivers sit.

Which made the omega getting more injured looking like he was trying to protect alpha.

"Are you okay jungkook? Please speak something."jimin mumbled in weak voice shaking jungkook's head with his weak hand.

Jungkook just stared at the omega in daze and his gaze travelled down to see blood staining his shirt which was coming from jimin's thigh.

The flow of blood was so much that jimin immediately fall councious.

"MOVE ASIDE!" jungkook yelled picking up the omega in bridal style and getting in the ambulance someone from crowd called. The body is omega lifeless on his hand.

Jungkook clearly remembered how jimin jumped on him at perfect time to take all the injuries on his body.

'Why the fuck he did that?' Jungkook thought in anger.

If it was not for jimin jungkook could have in more dangerous situation as the hit was on jungkook's side is door.

Jimin's eyes opened again when they got in hospital and after he got treated on.

He looked around to see jungkook standing there his shirt soaked red in blood.

"Jungkook I am not dying."he said with weak laugh when he saw how jungkook's face was looking like he was about to cry.

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