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Jimin turned around to see the last person he want to show this state of him. Kim taehyung! He just fake laughed and wiped his eyes skilfully trying his best to not let tae see him.

But the tissue bought in front of him clearly told tae already saw him crying. He just gave up and took the tissue wiping his eyes.

"I thought your alpha was caring, handsome and blah blah blah... did his handsome face made you cry?" Taehyung asked in clear mocking tone.

But what they both didn't noticed was angry alpha gripping his car's starring wheel till his knuckles turned white. He could clearly see and hear how his brother was mocking him. Jungkook when reached here wanted to go and comfort the omega but stopped when he saw his brother already there.

"Shut up! You don't know anything about him." Jimin said staring in deep water.

"Come on Jimin, i deserve to know who is this lucky guy i am about to kill." Taehyung said it so casually making Jimin look up in wide eyes and jungkook scoff.

"First of all, i don't think we are this close that i will tell you his name. Secondly why you want to hill him?"

"Ouch it hurts!  You are my best friend for first and anyone who dared to make my best friend cry will have to deal with me for second." Tae said with biggest smile that Jimin can't help but give small smile in return.

"Best friend my dog's foot!" Jungkook said in low voice taking out water bottle from drawer and drinking all of it in one go, as he thought their friendship can't even be compared to his own foot.

"What will you take to leave me alone?" Jimin asked looking at the alpha now.

"Ummm maybe your 1 hour." Tae said acting like he was thinking hard.

"Tae please-...."

"I am serious Jimin, trust me you will enjoy my treat! It's clear you are mad at someone and don't want to go back there that's why you are standing here like anabelle . So let's go and enjoy." Jimin can't help but think about this offer. Like tae said he really don't want to go back to Lee's house as jungkook was there and last thing he want right now is see his face.

"Okay but i want to eat something delicious!" Jimin said as only good did can bring back his good mood. 'Could have told me!' Jungkook thought bringing out new water bottle and drinking half of it in one go.

"Deal! On your service sir." Tae said opening his car passenger door for omega like Jimin was some kind of king. This made omega giggle and took his sit.

Jungkook also turned on his car while angrily drinking other half of bottle while angrily staring at his brother. He started to follow both of them from a safe distance. He throw the empty bottle at back sit where 4 empty bottles were accumulated by now.

After around 15 minutes they stopped at what seen like a small caffe but jungkook already knew this as it was both brothers favourite place wherever they wanted to escape the strict family and have some fun time.

Jungkook almost broke the cap of bottle watching the omega coming out of car with full laugh and following tae inside.

The guard immediately recognised Jeon and bowed politely giving them a way.

"Ohhh sir, just before your brother came... Should I tell him so that you will enjoy together?" The guard said to jungkook who just glared at guard as a answer.

The guard gulped in fear for his job. He slightly flinched when jungkook extended his hand but left a sigh of relief when jungkook was just taking a 2 litre bottle from behind.

Without saying anything jungkook entered in the place trying to find his brother and his omega.

It took him five seconds to catch tae tying jimin's shoe laces before entering in ice skate area.

Jimin was trying to avoid tae from touching his feets but it won't be tae if he listen to you.

Jungkook opened the cap of water bottle angrily while taking sit on desk skillfully so that they won't notice him.

"Why this is tasting like shit?" Jungkook asked to himself looking at the bottle.

Tae and jimin played for about half hour and they decided to stop when jimin can't do it anymore. They decided to eat pizza at same place.

"Did do you want anything?" The waiter asked to jungkook who was sitting some table far from them.

Jungkook just glared at him putting thousands of bill on table.

"Good filtered water!" Jungkook said and the waiter nodded with fear.

"You should give me something in return you know? For taking care of you." Tae said making the omega choke in his pizza.

"Here." Tae gave his some water to the omega wiping away sauce from corner is jimin's mouth.

Jungkook crushed his fifth bottle in his hand his eyes also red in anger.

After 2 hours of torture they finally decided to call it a day when jimin couldn't stop yawning. They left with two pizza in one table and 7 water bottles which were brutally crushed down on other.

"Where do you want to go?" Tae asked and jimin gulped as he can't tell his or Jieun's address to tae.

"Just leave me on that bridge, I will go from there." Jimin said with polite smile and tae decided to not argue at omega's privacy.

Jungkook slowly made his car follow the omega when tae drop him at bridge.

"Close them none gonna enter in house. It's your boss order. If you didn't follow Mr Jeon's order which is me, I will tell jungkook to fire you! " Jimin said to guard while entering the house.

He immediately called at jungkook's house and repeated same line.

He smirked as he knew the alpha was following him all the time. Ofcourse he saw him at bridge when he turned around to see tae but he kept quite to give the alpha taste of his own medicine.


"What the heck you meant your can't open the gate?" Jungkook yelled at the guard in anger.


Sorry for late💜

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