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Jimin gulped looking at the man in front of him who's eyes screamed nothing but betrayal.

"Jungkook I-...."

Jimin tried to explain himself but jungkook didn't spared him a second pushing him aside making his way in living room. He didn't thought once before punching Lee jeong suk right in his jaw.

"HYUNG!" Ji-eun yelled trying to stop the alpha but jungkook didn't even bulged.

Everyone gasped as when jeong suk had bleeding lips already. Jeong suk just wiped blood with his thumb looking at jungkook with no sign of guilt for his actions. This made jungkook's blood boil even more and he holds jeong suk coller and started to repeatedly punch the alpha on same jaw.

"More jungkook! You can do better than this my son, broke his fucking nose to make him remember it for atleast a year!" Mr. Lee said making everyone gasp in surprise. His own father was telling to bit him more.

"Pathetic! Even your own family dosnt want to protect you." Jungkook whispered in suk's ear leaning forward before punching him so hard that he landed on floor.

Jungkook didn't give chance to alpha to get up and started to kick right on his body wherever he got free space.

"He will die at this rate..... J-.... Jimin please do something! Hyung will listen to you, he loves you!" Ji-run requested to omega who gulped at the thought of coming in front of that feral alpha.

'He definitely loves me so much that i think i am next in line for beating after that alpha.' Jimin thought while giving a fake laugh to ji-eun and decided to stand at same place like jieun made some joke.

"I am sorry Jimin." Jimin-eun said before pushing Jimin towards jungkook's direction which made the omega stumble and landed directly in jungkook's hold. He would have landed on ground if the hands didn't supported him in waist.

Slowly Jimin opened his eyes only to meet them with angry orbs looking at him haughing due to all the fight. Sweat trickling down from his forehead, nose flaring and eyebrows taught in anger. Ji-eun took chance and picked up her so called husband locking herself and him in closest room she could find.

Jungkook saw all the things his sister was doing from periphery of his eyes but that wasn't most important thing he want to deal with anymore. Jimin immediately got up with help of jungkook's hand and tried to get back to his position but the alpha already hold his wrist dragging him out of house.

Mr and Mrs Lee just looked at each other eyes filled with fear but they were enough smart to not get in between jungkook's matter especially when he is angry.

Once they were out jungkook pushed jimin against wall harshly which made the omega whimper in fear.

" Just one question Jeon jimin ! Why?" Jungkook asked breathing heavily.

Jimin didn't even had courage to look in the eyes of alpha. He decided to just hear whatever the alpha says and get away with this. The last thing jimin wanted was to make alpha more angry but giving his reasons.

"I asked you something! Don't you have mouth to reply? After all the things I said to you before sleeping you decided to get up in middle of night and follow me to mess up my plan to kill that fucker?" Jungkook was yelling but what made him even more angry was the lack of omega's reply.

"Or do you support these things? That must be reason right? Tell me did you do same thing with your lover in past? Left them in most crucial moment of life? That must be reason taemin left-....."


Before jungkook can complete his sentence a slap landed on his cheek making the alpha turn away his head to side. Jimin didn't even bothered to reply him anymore and walked towards his car in which him and Jieun bring jeong suk here.

"You deserve one more, should I give it to you?" Jungkook looked up at Jieun's voice to see her standing at door.

"Let's go we are leaving!" He said taking his sister's wrist in his hand but he pushed him away.

"It was me who decided to follow you and stop this hyung! All jimin did was to come to me with teary eyes with fear that you will kill someone. It's an obvious reaction from any normal person who see their husband walking out with gun." Ji-eun explained now making jungkook's anger calm down and think with his brain.

"He wasn't the one who was behind-...."

"I thought you were smart hyung, do you really think that little innocent head of his would plan to kidnap my husband?" Ji-eun said in anger not believing stupidity of her brother anymore.

"I-... I said all those things....I need to go." Jungkook said already making his way towards car. He sure had anger issues cause he regretted every singer word he said to the omega now.

" Yeah you sure do, bring him back to me if you don't want grandpa to get involved in this!" Ji-eun said going back in her new house. She had new problems to face but most important was she had an online business deal meeting which she needed to attend.

Jungkook had no choice but let her go. The last thing he want is to get his grandpa know about him trying to kill lee Jeong suk on day of his wedding.

Within some time he found jimin as omega was not driving at insane speed but rather his car of stopped near bridge over river. Jungkook saw how the omega's eyes were shining with City light the wind doing it's perfect job by waving his hairs like he was in anime.

What the alpha didn't noticed was his eyes weren't shining due to City light, it was due to tears that were trickling down his cheeks.

"Want help with jump?" Jimin heard the voice .


Yay! I am officially in third year! With all subjects clear💜 thanks for all the wishes on my exams💞

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