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"Nothing.... Just couldn't sleep."jimin whispered in slow voice.

"You know you can always share with me, I know me just met and we are not close but it's called sister in law for some reason. I know your relations with your family are not good so you can just take this family..... Jungkook hyung, me, tae, namjoon hyung, mom... We have everyone in family. Think of me as sister you never had." Jieun said putting her hand on hand on jimin softly which made jimin cry even more.

Jieun just let the omega cry. She can ask the reasons later first she need him to calm down. She caressed his head softly and patted his back. When jimin stopped crying she got up and gave him glass of water which the omega took.

"I am sorry I just couldn't stop it."jimin apologised with polite smile giving the empty glass back to jieun.

"Let's go for a walk shall we?" Jieun asked already getting up from bed. Jimin couldn't sleep already so he thought it will be better to clear his thought first.

They decided to take a walk in garden behind house around the swimming pool. No one talked at first just letting the silence engulf them but jimin decided to break it when he couldn't take it anymore.

"Actually I cried because of all the incidence today you know....."he said making jieun stop in her track but she continued immediately like nothing happened. But jimin could see it bothered her and he regretted to bring the subject.

"I am kinda used to it and you will be surprised but I expected him to not show up today." She said looking at the water in swimming pool which was dark black at night.

They decided to take a sit in resting chair in front of pool before continuing.

"Can I ask why?" Jimin asked carefully touching it. The last thing he want was to hurt her more by making her remind those memories.

"Long story."she said with small smile.

What they didn't noticed was an alpha standing at entrance door but their back was facing him.

Ofcourse jungkook couldn't sleep next to snoring Jeong suk so he decided to sleep on couch in living room but hided when he saw crying jimin with his sister.

He felt really bad as he thought jimin was crying because of him and was about to make a property in jimin's name to make him smile but then he heard it was because of his sister.

Even he didn't knew what was the reason why her lover decided to pull that shunt at the most important day so he decided to stay hided and listen to story. Well that's different thing that he would kill jeong suk if if it involved him hurting his sister.

"As you can see we have whole night."jimin said with small smile.

"Well okay let's do it....I need to let go of pressure anyway...."she took a deep breath before continuing.

"Was it in our college days? When I first saw him? I got Love at first site when I saw his intelligent, elligant he was... How he used to answer every question with confidence. But problem was my friend suzy had also fallen for him.... "

"How did you know that?"jimin interrupted her with pout.

"She told me.... That he came in her dream, she want to spend her whole life with him with these weird fantasies. So I decided to help her get him, I could never marry him due to my family anyway.... So eventually one day she proposed to him and they started dating with me being third wheel." Ji-eun said with soft smile eyes lost in past memories.

"Must be hard....I could never imagine myself watching tae marrying anyone in my college days. He used to be my crush."jimin said looking down.

"Really? You had crush on tae?" Ji-eun asked surprise clear in her eyes.

"Just a little.... Everyone have that celebrity crush after watching their drama." Jimin said shrugging.

Jungkook just scoffed picking up jar of water bottle from table drinking directly from it.

"Isn't it hard now? You can see him everyday but married to jungkook hyung?"

"Well no.... As I told you it was a celebrity crush, somewhere at the corner of your heart for already accepting it they could never be yours and they have their own personal life..... Anyway tell me further."jimin said with soft smile.

"One day suzy suddenly disappeared.... We couldn't even reach her family as she was an orphan. Even I didn't knew what happened to her. Suk came to me asking about her as he only knew me as her close friend. He was so worried that he almost search whole country to find her. But no result. He would cry day and night. You can she he has fallen for her all head over heels in those two months."

"Well that's kinda sad."

"Yeah.... I didn't knew when but he started to get clingy to me. He would come in middle of class and demand to go for coffee, movie and all. At start I could sense that he was doing it all to take it some information but he started to come even when he got to know I was as clueless as him. One day I accidently saw his depression pills. So I decided to help him out of it."

"He had depression?" Jimin asked worried about the alpha now.

"Still have.... That's why I don't mind his actions."

"No it's because you still love him somewhere deep in your heard." Jimin said and Jieun just laughed a bit.

"So yeah after one year of her disappearance he accepted his defeat and we graduated. What surprised both of us was that our families had already planned our marriage when we were just child. We got to know when we graduated ."

"But how?" Jimin asked with shock. Shock will be understatement.... Deciding your marriage just when you born? That's ridiculous. He taught.

"Apparently our dad used to friends and in this business world feelings dissent matter. It's all about profit after combining two big groups through alliance."

"Did you accept it?"

"Well it was bit awkward with the history we had in the campus. But surprisingly he did that last expected thing at the day when he got to know about the alliance."


Sorry for late💜

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